lunes, 25 de enero de 2010



- via Estancia El Carmen: "Undoubtedly, camping is one of the most fun
adventure when going on holiday
. Today we give you some pointers to keep in mind when
you go camping.

For carp

If you paid a tent or bought a new, Armed
at home or in a park before you leave home to make sure you submit your item.

Do not assemble the tent in low areas
or near the stove.

Do not cook, smoke or light gas lamps
inside the tent because it is made of a highly flammable material.

Ventilate the tent each day to avoid the musty smell
and detention.

If a storm with strong winds, adjust the
"tensor" (stakes) of carp. If your tent is located under the trees,
do not stay within it. Go to the quinchos, health or the restaurant.

At night keep your personal belongings in the tent or
under the eaves will prevent dew or rain wetting.

After her vacation completely dry before storing the
tent, if stored wet, can lose waterproof ness, get brittle, or gather

Waterproof the roof covering if the tent is more than
two years, the laminated floor is as important as the roof of the envelope.

Do not forget

A shoe overtime with at least 10 mts., Because
although always have a nearby outlet, because of the breadth of the plot and
the location of the tent, it is desirable that it be long enough. Keep extra
time unplugged while not in use and in case of rain.

A bottle with cooking stove or a heater cartridge.

Cooking utensils, a pot of 2 litres. or more, a small
pot or kettle (two with lids), a small skillet, a kettle and a spoon. If
possible also a colander.

The mats if you enter the car, bring them, but rent it
at the campsite. The inflatables are very practical.

A shovel, to the gutter to the tent.

Sunscreen and hat to go to the beach ... "

And Acampante Club Forums. Community camping, hostel
and stock, in on sleeping bags, for
the cold (a response to Lawrence, to Veronica): "hollow fiber bags are
heavy and take up much room, if for trekking are not suitable, I believe, serve
to even to - 10C °, perhaps my experience is incorrect, if you can ... find out
in several places (Shrimp Camping clarification: in the original reads:
"Post" and assume that concerning the comparison between several prices)
... the price to compare, I'd recommend to-5C ° or cooler bags goose feather,
weighing about 600 grams. and no space with a mattress or you forget the cold

The bag-name says to 7C ° and weighs 3.5 kg like an
igloo tent. But come for the prices I'd bet a bag lighter and a good set of
thermal underwear, synthetic thinking of this trek. "

About the team: advice on choosing a tent or other
elements may be very different, but after walking the route between Ushuaia and
La Quiaca several times, often hitchhiking as a backpacker, I can say that it
is a backpack recognized brand (which means it is recognition of their
durability) of 80 to 90 litres, knowing that nothing lasts more than four
seasons and it is difficult that the other elements, beyond that date, with a
strong putter, with more than a backpack girl for the elements of hygiene, the
mate or the food. Backpacks protectors are very interesting and necessary,
provided they are of heavy fabrics.

 We must recognize that the team, we can last a
lifetime. The tent should be: low, long and narrow, with tapered possible, to
point to the site from prevailing winds (the classic image of a cigar), must
have a single entry and are not suitable overhangs, where possible The roof
covers should reach to touch the ground, the rain and windy material is
preferable thick and strong, even if we add weight. The sleeping bag should
exceed the average low temperature regions which we travel. I personally use
one of up to -10 degrees, which I found very useful in all types of weather,
because you can use as cover and as a supplement to the mat (relying on
"second skin" or synthetic thermal underwear).

The mattress must meet minimum requirements, and one
of them tells us, to be separated 5 cm from the floor. In my particular case
record superior performance of my self-inflating mattress, but I can not tell
the brand, but are on the market, but they are not publicized. To all this must
be added (if possible) a multipinza, but we must consider the high cost and not
so inclined by brand recognized and, indeed, some are very good, for his

Undoubtedly, the clothing is most suitable position
for this type of travel and living, there are many brands, some not well known,
but good performance, provided that the case of cotton cloth, at least for the
pants and if detachable leg is better. For all types of weather and
geographical regions loot works great mountain, together with good cotton socks
and a pair of hose stations. Shovels, axes and other related elements are very
useful, but must be lightweight and built to carry as one. Water bottles and
stainless steel thermos.


- Before travelling to find out about animals in areas
where we moved. Bearing in mind that in most of the country, there are different
types of snakes. In the campsite there is no danger, because the wild animals
away from populated places, but is wild resource use long stick to move the
grass and bushes to ward off snakes or spiders (and seen specimens of large).

- Do not disturb other campers with noise or
attitudes, we generate a problem because we may lose a good time in a local
police station and what we want is to waste time that way. It must follow the rules of coexistence of the sites
and respect the time and rest from others. We think that many chose to rest, as
a way to enjoy your holidays. Anyone who wants to enjoy loud music or the din,
the youth themselves, reasonably, you should seek the appropriate places, which
generally are not within the campsite.


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