jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010




There are two essential elements for life in general and in particular camper. In neither of them should be afraid, but you MUST RESPECT THE. A well on fire (from bottom to top) in the right place, which is none other than the open fire or barbecue cookers integrated into our campsite, but not on the ground, next to trees or plants in nearby the tents, or excessive (large), not only holds heat, but serves for cooking, baking or cooking. The water network needs to be nurtured, not only in our Patagonian region, but throughout the country and the world. We must understand, once and for all that drinking water is a scarce and, therefore, is to take extreme care to avoid misuse. Fifty yards from our campsite is the beach and sea water in the vicinity there is a freshwater stream with a good beach. In both cases, take extreme care to avoid making silly, that put us in a position of having an accident. The overall slogan for the rugged camper is to avoid positioning the tent or marquee in areas that can be achieved by water from sea or river. Attention should be given to marks, whereas the same water left in its moments of flood tide or river.


Let's see what that tells us the Survival Guide in www.vivelanaturaleza.com/.../fuego2.php, explaining: "... The fire II. Fire with improvised methods.

It's best not commit the blunder of not taking a reserve matches or a lighter. But if we are without these conventional means to light a fire there are other systems improvised, simple and effective and other more complicated if we do not practice. In these cases it is especially important to have prepared enough tinder (dry grass, leaves, etc.. Well compacted so that the coals are spread easily) and fine, dry wood to prevent wasting a flame that can cost much effort to get us. Gently blow is usually effective when the first red dot to fan the flame. The methods are: Flint and lenses ... link
It is a good system that works in all circumstances. If we do not have to try a flint hard stone. (you have to try until we find one that discards good sparks, and then save it for other occasions). We will hold the flint and tinder near beat it with a piece of steel, such as the blade of a knife, trying to direct the spark to tinder.
Indian bearing arc ... consists of rapidly spinning rod using a bow on another piece of wood. Build the arch with a flexible arm and a cord (shoes, bag, parka, etc.).. If we want the method to work we must rub against hardwood softwood (see previous page firewood firewood tender and tough). In any system of friction of wood, if we get a black dust, like coal, we hit upon the proper timber, however, if we obtain a coarse powder, sandy desechémosla and seek another. When you begin to smoke is added to well-compacted tinder grilled spreads easily and blow gently rubbing while continuing to achieve a flame.
Method of the mountains. It is a proprietary method of the jungle, and is using a soft wood, usually bamboo for "sawing" (made a sawing motion) another harsh, often coconut shell ...
Method of the belt. We will use a strip of linen or other strong fiber and a stick of soft wood. Will raise the arm slightly by placing a stone. We spend the strap below and we'll throw the stone alternately from one end and the other to produce friction. Previously, we placed the tinder beneath the branch, touching the belt.
Other methods
We can use a battery to make sparks bringing together two poles ... Occasionally, add a few drops of gasoline or alcohol on the tinder can ease inflammation, but not completely drenched.
If you use gasoline or other fuel in a container to keep warm, keep in mind that there is a potential risk of accident. Never add more fuel until the flame is turned off and the container is cool ...

Cooking fires
It is better to cook a small fire, which consumes less fuel and is easy to maintain. It's always handy to cook over the coals on the flame.
We can build a home that will serve to put the pot by making a small fire between two logs, two stones, etc.. If our pan has a handle like that of the cubes can hold over the fire with a "crane" improvised with a bent arm clamped between some rocks and another branch that act as a "hanger "..."

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