miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

ATTENTION TO THE INSECURITY IN TILCARA (Note to travelers in the world)

ATTENTION TO THE INSECURITY IN TILCARA (Note to travelers in the world)

To travelers, family or friends I recommend you be careful with the insecurity in Tilcara, province of Jujuy, in Argentina. I lost most of my camping equipment and communications (without the stationery and cards.) The police just took my complaint about four hours after the events and the city shows no signs of life after a long note to send them. Cases like mine are repeated, especially with foreigners. They imagine that if it happened to a native of this blessed Republic, which is on guard and prevented, to outsiders makes them a nightmare. And it is significant that most people take it as a revived of the writer (including police commissioner of Tilcara), with the notable exceptions of Caritas of Tilcara and the parish in SS Jujuy which sent me, where did all they could, by replacing the most important of my team (the drink mate). The camps, communications and cold water, replenished in due course.

Mobile: +5493425045816
May 25, 1207 and São Tomé, Provincia de Santa Fe-RA
Accounts on Google, Facebook, Live, and of course Yahoo.
See written in:
campingcamarones.blogspot.com /
sites.google.com / site / campingcamarones / 



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