viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010


THE LORD OF Mailín (as an introduction to the chapter and recalling the sayings of friend Alejandro Acuña on the characteristics of the land of Santiago del Estero and its "compelling" reality).

Back at the Termas de Rio Hondo, to complete a job, the last day
13/05/2.010 after noon I was in the town of Garza,
Santiago del Estero, where I had been transported, as always, with finger or
asking the roadside (in this case the National Route 34) to me
move to where they can. In this connection anyone can think that a heap of twisted coincidence, but in reality it was a group of causality operating in my stay, which is happening in this province the center of our Argentina (may request a written extension of coincidence or causality, which is in the journal of the Health Post). When I went back to the city of Santa Fe, capital of the province of the same name, to complete my team disappeared in one
measure of insecurity in the town of Tilcara Jujuy (from what I saw
obliged to travel differently and even offering my services to
make tourism-related Web pages, because I needed extra money. Vale to tell this note: ON THE INSECURITY IN TILCARA-Jujuy REPUBLIC ARGENTINA: To travelers, family or friends I recommend you be careful with the insecurity in Tilcara, province of Jujuy, in Argentina. I lost most of my camping equipment and communications (without the stationery and cards.) The police just took my complaint about four hours after the events and the city shows no signs of life after a long note to send them. Cases like mine are repeated, especially with foreigners. They imagine that if it happened to a native of this blessed Republic, which is on guard and prevented, to outsiders makes them a nightmare. And it is significant that most people take it as a revived of the writer (including police commissioner of Tilcara), with the notable exceptions of Caritas of Tilcara and the parish in SS Jujuy which sent me, where did all they could, by replacing the most important of my team (the drink mate). The camps, communications and cold water, replenished in due course.)
I went through the route of what is one of the biggest demonstrations of faith
of Catholics in my country, for the town of Mailín and all I
moved the event and told me to tell the truth, you could see the
extra movement to
sides of the road and the people (those who walked one by one, from
Fernandez town because my benefactor, I deposited in the City
Sao Tome in the Province of Santa Fe was to lead some of its procedures
work, to spend a week or two to his family in Rosario).

As I said: Returning to the Spa, Garza stayed in his last block
populated and noted that the vehicle is driven too fast and there was a
unusual movement, especially for pedestrians, the route (in addition to
cyclists and motorcyclists), I decided to place near a service station.
Walking into that place some people stopped me and something alcoholic me
was asked to contact a health post that was crossing the
route (supposed to and not in vain, would achieve embark towards the toll Fernandez
or beyond, with the potential to reach the Baths). In this place I met people
wonderful and very busy helping others, especially the peregrine
Mailín, which makes the journey on foot, from more than one hundred kilometers to reach
to touch the sacred image and then render honors to the brother tree that
sheltered and protected during the dark ages, when the Jesuits were forced
to leave these lands, by order of the King of Spain (a legend is very
beautiful, it deserves the internet looking to catch her.)

This year the Health Post of San Antonio had to move to Garza, because
The owners of the land where they were located, for years,
allowed to settle in the place (I should clarify that this is new
owners), which left ten kilometers before where they should be,
it is in the Mount San Antonio in the middle of nowhere, halfway between
Garza and Lugones, where pilgrims come from all extremely needy
and special treatment for their blisters and muscle injuries. Saint
Antonio is in the Department of Sarmiento, in our province
Santiago del Estero.

The coordinator is John Good Health Post (a retired nurse
Hospital Fernandez in Buenos Aires) currently residing in Forres, just
miles away.

The team is composed of volunteers from Forres, Fernandez, Garza,
San Antonio and Santiago del Estero (capital). They are nurses, students
medicine, and simple scauts neighbors, who formerly were walking to the
Mailín sanctuary and realized the needs on the road.

Scauts The group is led by group leader Oscar Marcelo Ramirez
(Wood Badge), belong to the group October 13 in the parish Santa
Lucia in the provincial capital, consisting of walking (14 to 17 years) and
robert (17 to 21 years), District 2, Zone 33 of the Republic Scauts
Argentina, whose motto is "always ready to SERVE."

As you can imagine all kinds need help, especially
material (a motor home or house car carrier and a small truck which
known as 350), tents for pilgrims to rest, but the
large, which bars companies use in a number not less than
two, which one would serve to aid healing and the other for the
the travelers overnight.

Those interested in participating and / or collaborate, you can connect with Oscar
Marcelo Ramirez to mobile 0385-4215004 of Santiago del Estero, Mobile
the same person 03854350574 or email:
oscarmarcelo_ramirez @ ... (From yahoo Argentina) I hope your help, because I find the
Next year in office to serve the traveler.

And as part of the same story:

IN A SMALL Shine Termas de Rio Hondo

In the corners of J.B. Alberdi and Sarmiento (Full National Route 9) in
Termas de Río Hondo, where there is a traffic light, we often find a group of
boys and girls who clean the windows of cars and some shoeshine.
In one corner runs a business called Gourmet "Parrilla
Martin Fierro "(we should clarify that it has nothing to do with the postulates
maximum discharges in our literary, giving the same continent and
Argentine Creole content, which is explained below). To the
Apparently those responsible for such business resent the presence of these
detail and neighbors who have specialized in various ways to disturb the
themselves. The ultimate goal is to not to park over there and the
are the usual means, which characterize the immortal Arthur Jauretche,
when it comes to "living forces" or the living force and to
end, bullied "business" in the middle, appealing to the action
Police in this city. The last of which I witnessed was in the theft or
removal of a shoeshine stool belonging to a small, eight
years of age who attend school in the morning and afternoon works
shoeshine. No wonder, because this is a common trigger for the
who want to earn through lawful means, the street life, but
striking that the business receives delegations of Argentine unions, with
very often (to the extent that the Light and Power City of Santa Fe - Republic
Argentina is expected in July of this year, stopping to eat, with a
delegation in place). It is possible that the unionists did not know the
"Customs" of commercial beneficiaries, but after that result from
very bad taste, that of social justice (especially in a guild
known to have a high component of leftist ideas among its maximum
leaders), our unions, which claim to defend certain flags
continue betting box similar fill characters "or hondeños Termenès."

Celular: +5493425045816
25 de Mayo 1207-Santo Tomé-Provincia de Santa Fe-RA
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