martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

ON THE REALITY 2 (O on incontrovertible data that actually gives us the two). For guillofca.

ON THE REALITY 2 (O on incontrovertible data that actually gives us the two). For guillofca.

A few days ago, not more than forty-five, played the theme of reality, as we all know is the only truth, but is in many places (as my maternal grandmother). Sanity at that time called for the murder of a student in a mobilization. Today, with several more deaths, which remarked that all the dead are equal, I should point out the fallacy of the indigenous discourse of our government, at least they were quick to try to highlight in recent times in relation to "our brothers Indians, "as the General San Martín. The cowardly murder with impunity and not worth my brothers Qom any caution, because of its complexity, as one senior administration official, which only demonstrates their lack of maturity and training. Formosa In fact, as in barracks, operated the same nonsense, it's illogical chaos of power, money and violence. In both events, the serial murderer is ideological, or sectarian idea of the supremacy of one group over another. We have already spoken at length in other writings, on the fallacy of considering human rights within all, appealing to their generation. The rights of my brothers are of equal quality and excellence that the rights of anyone, though, such others, have appealed to political violence. In our country it seems that the values are disrupted and anyone who exercises their right to participate in politics by appealing to violence, appears to be above others, as more pure, untouched, to get higher, above the constitution and laws. That itself is what causes these deaths and that is called IDIOTS ideological or sectarian. It's the same ideological that is plagued national and provincial government, of, presumed, other than the old sign, but based on the excessive craving for power, money, that leads to violence. They noted that there are some people who are not interested in nothing more than to satisfy their instincts, those we call degenerate, or drug addicts, but they are addicted to power and money. Already know, because we have an immediate predecessor in the nineties of last century and an older one in what is known as the "generation of the eighties", which prefer to call it degeneration of the eighties, it disrupted our foundational values and I mean the legacy of such equality born of the recognition of the ancestral origins of the rights of this people, which is nothing else than the appoggiatura in the undeniable right to the determination of our peoples. Then it was deformed, as in the rest of Latin America and is enthroned in power, sectarian groups, who relied on the discretionary use of power, money (who sacked from these soils or land) and abuse or para-state violence. To that extent we stepped back in these times, leaving aside the achievements of Yrigoyen and Peron. Do not pretend to blame the government because I am sure you have the guilt, incompetence, negligence, fraudulent companies to defend, as ignorant of reality, they are based on their needs and not those of the common people, what becomes sectarian. And there is still much time for general elections next year, so we assume further incidents where prevail the wishes of our minds one way officials, listening to the incontestable fact of the presidential greeting the governor of Formosa, for his policy energy, amid the carnage. It is striking that some depressed individuals of intellect to walk around the country stressing that choosing the lesser evil, because the others are worse, as in politics we must go to good, not evil. It is also deplorable that attack, the arch opponent of a person who is tired of highlight the defects of our domestic policy and reiterate that there are some flowers that I like, like I worry about the naive, who want to negotiate with the government when in fact this calls to copulate, and that of: "When it seems that we are fighting, we are actually copulating" catch phrase if any, that brand from head to toe with our government's minds one way, they need a deserved rest.


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