lunes, 4 de abril de 2011

Fwd: [gene_camara] Rv: [L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work - April 2011

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De: Guillermo Fernando Cámara <>
Fecha: 1 de abril de 2011 17:21
Asunto: [gene_camara] Rv: [L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work - April 2011
Para: Nuestro Grupo <>



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--- El vie 1-abr-11, UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <> escribió:

De: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <>
Asunto: [L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work - April 2011
Para: "UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum" <>
Fecha: viernes, 1 de abril de 2011, 10:55

From: Sabine Manning []
Sent: 2011-04-01 14:44
Subject: [L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work - April 2011

Dear Colleagues

This is the latest edition of the L&W Newsletter, reaching you via a
mailing list of over 1200 experts in and beyond Europe. It focuses on
transnational research activities in the field of human resource
development (HRD) and vocational education and training (VET), centred on
major categories: conferences, networks, programmes of study, projects and
publications. Many thanks to all who contributed information for this
edition of the Newsletter! The next edition will appear in early June 2011.
You are invited to submit short pieces of news (texts without attachments,
but including links to web resources) - by 31 May 2011 at the latest!

With best wishes
Sabine Manning
Research Forum WIFO
Editor of the L&W Newsletter

Conferences / Networks
Conference: Research for VET practice and policy
The 18th annual conference "Research for VET practice and policy" of the
VET and Culture research network and European Training Foundation takes
place in Turin, Villa Gualino 31.8.-3.9.2011. The conference is reflecting
on and discussing the roles of policy-led agencies like the ETF and of
academic institutions like university departments and research communities
like the VET and Culture network in this process. The contributions are
expected to discuss what is happening to VET and VET research, considering
their relation to pedagogy, to occupations and industry and to social and
political developments. Also inputs to sharpening the intellectual agenda
are welcome to the conference. The theme, venue, programme and working
methods invite participants into critical cross-cultural and comparative
thinking and discussion. We call for draft contributions (1-3 pages) from
all who wish to participate in the conference before 31.5.2011. Please send
them to the contact person Soren Nielsen ( in Word
or rtf-format. Acceptance of papers with detailed programme will be
announced after 30.6.2011. All materials are collected on the conference
(Received from: Anja Heikkinen via the Newsletter of
the VET and Culture network)

Workshop: Labour market challenges to educational systems
The 19th annual workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions
in Youth will be held at Tallinn University (Estonia) from 8th to 10th
September 2011, on the theme "Labour Market Challenges to Educational
Systems: comparative perspectives". The Network welcomes contributions on
all aspects of the transition from youth to adulthood, and particularly the
transition from education to the labour market. Papers are welcome on
topics such as the transition between school and work, the return to
vocational education and training, and youth unemployment. The deadline for
sending in abstracts to be considered for presentation is coming up soon.
You will find the call and conference announcement for the workshop on the
website []. Contact address of the local organisers:
(Call received from: Walter Van Trier

Joint network meeting: The future of adult educators
Opinion papers are invited for the joint meeting between the VET and
Culture and ESREA-ReNAdET research networks on "The Future of Adult
Educator(s): Agency, Identity and Ethos",  9.-11.11.2011 in University of
Tallinn. For VET and Culture this will be the 4th seminar on theme
Trans-nationalization of Qualifications. Contributors may, but are not
limited to, choose from following sub-themes: *Perceptions of adult
educators: by adults-students, policy makers and in public; *Theoretical,
political and practical discourses on adult educators: the future of adult
education as an academic field; *Context and environment of adult education
and different 'types' of adult educators; *Ownership of the adult
educators' profession and professional borders: is there a professional
future for adult educators? *Learning, becoming, being and growing as
professional adult educator, including issues of ageing and gender. 
The deadline for max 1 page paper is 27 June 2011, sent to and Proposals will be blind
reviewed by the scientific committee and acceptance confirmed by August
31st 2011. Selected full papers will be asked for by the scientific
committee after the meeting. About the venue, accommodation, conference
fees and instructions for paper submission, see websites
(Received from: Anja Heikkinen via the Newsletter of the VET and Culture

NOTE: Further information on research networks in the field of European
work and learning can be obtained from the WIFO page Networks at a glance
[]. Forthcoming and recent events related to
European research in work and learning are listed on the WIFO Conference
page []. 
[Back to Newsletter]

Exploring international best practice in apprenticeships
On 8 February 2011 the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) hosted
delegates from 11 countries around the world to share their best practice
and Apprenticeship expertise. Guests arrived from countries with well
developed Apprenticeship programmes such as Germany and Switzerland and
from those with programmes in development such as Pakistan, and Turkey.  In
advance of the seminar, NAS circulated a survey to contacts in countries
across the world; in all cases the results from this were that every
country is seeking to maintain or develop its apprenticeship programme and
in particular increase the availability of apprenticeships for young people
as a way into work and an alternative to University.  All papers from the
conference and the results of our survey are available here:
Further details and information is available by contacting
(Posted by: Richard Marsh)

Summer School course: Activity theory and formative interventions
Please find below a link to our forthcoming Summer School course "Activity
Theory and Formative Interventions" (ATFI) which will take place from
August 9 to August 25, 2011 at University of Helsinki, Finland. The course
is aimed at giving a rich introduction to activity theory and developmental
work research for those interested in pursuing further studies in this
exciting field.
Theory and practice will be brought together with the help of case
presentations and field visits to organizations in which formative
interventions have been carried out. The number of participants is limited
to 30, so we recommend that interested students and colleagues send their
applications within the next few weeks.   Although the deadline for
application is in July, the courses are usually filled earlier. Students
are selected on a first come, first served basis. Also a few grants are
available covering registration fee, course fee and accommodation expenses.
The course will be held in English. The application form and further
information about the course can be found online through the  link above.
(Posted by: Anu Kajamaa, ATFI-course coordinator

NOTE: Masters programmes related to work and learning in Europe are
presented in the Directory of Masters Programmes
[], provided as part of the WIFO Gateway.
[Back to Newsletter]

Call for information: Overview of European research projects
Contributions are invited for updating the Overview of European research
projects [], provided as part of the WIFO
Gateway. This overview brings together resources which are normally
scattered across websites of various EU programmes, institutions and
networks. Of particular interest are latest projects still in operation
such as could provide a stimulus for researchers to establish links in
areas of joint interest. The overview focuses on transnational research
projects, mainly supported by EU programmes, in the areas of human resource
development, vocational education, work and learning. Participants in these
projects are welcome to send the following information to the editor
(  (A) exact title and acronym (short name) of the
project; (B) name and email address of the coordinator or main contact; (C)
address of the website (or info page/ flyer) of the project.
(Contributed by: Sabine Manning)
[Back to Newsletter]

Publication on EurOccupations
Just published (2011): Codebook and explanatory note on the EurOccupations
dataset about the job content of 150 occupations - by Kea Tijdens, Esther
de Ruijter and Judith de Ruijter.
Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam, AIAS Working Paper WP 107,
Occupation is the key unit in matching vacancies and job seekers,
occupational choice and career consultancy. Occupation is a key variable in
social research, e.g. transitions from school to work, occupational
structures and skill requirements. Yet little is known about the similarity
of occupations across the EU. The FP6 project EurOccupations (2006-2009)
aimed to build a database containing 1,500 of the most common occupations
and for 150 occupations test the similarity of job content and required
skill level in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain,
and the UK. The codebook explains the data collection. Section 2 explains
the criteria for selecting 150 occupations from a provisional source list
of 1,433 occupations. Section 3 details the process used for testing the
similarity of the occupations. Section 4 explains the dataset, which can by
freely accessed. This codebook and all project deliverables can be
downloaded from the project website
(Posted by: Kea Tijdens

Misleadership: Prevalence, causes and consequences
John Rayment and Dr Jonathan Smith (Lecturers in Ashcroft International
Business School)
Published by Gower, 2011
This book is for those wishing to reflect on and develop their own and
others' leadership abilities.  It introduces a new approach to a key
element of management thinking in a way that encourages and empowers
individuals to think on a different scale and challenge assumptions.  The
authors take a fundamental and critical approach, arguing that a lot of
current 'leadership' is in fact MisLeadership, evidenced by the global
financial crisis and range of urgent major issues facing everyone and
everything on our planet. A wealth of examples and case studies relate the
authors' ideas to practice and enable leaders, followers and trainers to
gain insights into the prevalence and causes of MisLeadership and ways in
which it can be identified and overcome.
For more information or to purchase a copy please contact either or
(Posted by: Jonathan Smith)

New edition: Directory of Doctoral Dissertations
Released in March 2011 by the Research Forum WIFO, the new edition of the
Directory of Doctoral Dissertations in the  field of learning and work
( presents just over 100 dissertations from 15
European countries. While maintaining previous entries, mainly on completed
work, the new edition brings the number of dissertations still in progress
up to nearly 50. In the thematic overview, the dissertations are arranged
according to five major themes, all including vocational components:
Education/ lifelong learning (22), Human resource development in
organisations (25), Human resource development related to the labour market
(7), Vocational education (25), Work and learning (26). Furthermore, the
new edition of the Directory provides indexes focused on the authors of the
dissertations, the tutors supervising the work, the countries involved and
the year of (expected) completion. Feedback received in response to this
edition will be added as an update in April (please contact the editor
(Contributed by: Sabine Manning)

Call for thematic issues: Comparative and international education
Research in Comparative and International Education
( normally devotes two of its four annual issues to
particular themes. In 2011 the first such issue, edited by Karen Monkman &
Vilma Seeberg and scheduled for March, is on the theme Girls/Young
Women's Education and Empowerment in Marginalized Regions of the World.
This will be followed in September 2011 by a thematic issue on Methods and
Instruments for the Evaluation and Monitoring of VET Systems, edited by
Philipp Grollmann & Melanie Hoppe. The journal's Editor, Professor David
Phillips, will be pleased to consider further proposals for future thematic
issues, to be scheduled from September 2012 onwards. Please contact him at
the University of Oxford (
(Received from: David Phillips)

NOTE: Books with a focus on cross-European issues of work and learning are
being presented on the WIFO Bookshelf []. In
addition, the WIFO Gateway provides a classified collection of European and
international Journals related to education research
[Back to Newsletter]
Editor of the L&W Newsletter: Dr Sabine Manning, Research Forum WIFO
Address: Neue Blumenstr. 1, D-10179 Berlin, Germany;
Editions of the L&W Newsletter: five times a year, every two months (at
the beginning of February, April, June, August, October, December);
Deadline for contributions to the L&W Newsletter: end of January, March,
May, July, September, November;
Circulation of the current L&W Newsletter: about 1200 experts in 40
countries (mostly Europe);
Details and Archive of the L&W Newsletter [].
[Back to Newsletter]

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