jueves, 12 de enero de 2012

Rv: A review of the UNEVOC e-Forum in 2011

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----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <e-Forum@unevoc.unesco.org>
Para: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <forum@unevoc.unesco.org>
Enviado: jueves, 12 de enero de 2012 4:53
Asunto: RE: A review of the UNEVOC e-Forum in 2011

From: Damian Boyle [mailto:Damian_Boyle@cameco.com]
Sent: 2012-01-11 17:23
Subject: RE: A review of the UNEVOC e-Forum in 2011

Good Day, David Mutahi!

I echo the comments of other colleagues on this.

I strongly agree that it is during the early years of life that habits of
thought and physical approaches to interaction with the world are set.

My favourite example of how hands on activities can be effectively
integrated into the K-12 Education curriculum is the series of Foxfire
books which were generated as class projects in the 1970's.  I cannot
praise this work enough.  I would be very interested in knowing how the
individuals who went through these experiences are performing today as
adult members of society.

I have posted a bibliography of books that I recommend for hands-on or
field learning activities on EduNorth, under Hand & Eye.  A significant
percentage of content of all of these books is graphical, to suit those who
are not comfortable with just reading text.

I have actively promoted Bicycle Education here, but have had NO expressed
interest in this from the local K-12 School Division, the local Teacher
Education Program, the local Apprenticehip support branch, or the local
Community College. I have been hugely disappointed with this total lack of
interest.  Trades people and parents ARE interested in this, however.  I
expect that as the price of oil/gasoline/diesel rises that bicycles will be
seen as an inexpensive and practical way of getting around, that parents
will then demand that it be included in the K-12 Schools, and the idea will
then be adopted.  An outline of my proposal for this is posted on EduNorth,
under Bicycles:


T. Damian Boyle
Workplace Educator
McArthur River Mine
2121 Eleventh Street West
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7M 1J3

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