viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Rv: Cedefop Newsletter no. 18 - January 2012

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De: Cedefop newsletter sender <>
Enviado: martes, 31 de enero de 2012 13:18
Asunto: Cedefop Newsletter no. 18 - January 2012
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Cedefop Newsletter no. 18 - January 2012

ISSN 1831-5259
PDF version | Full view | Permalink

Main story

'How to stay active? Make sure your skills don't become outdated.'
A choir opens the Year of Active Ageing conference in Copenhagen. Image: AFP

'How to stay active? Make sure your skills don't become outdated.'

The European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations kicked off in Copenhagen earlier this month. The conference was organised by the Danish Ministry of Employment, Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration and Ministry for Health with support from the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion).

News from Cedefop

Third annual review of National Qualifications Frameworks published

Third annual review of National Qualifications Frameworks published

Cedefop's third review of NQF/EQF development shows that all involved countries see the National Qualification Frameworks as valuable tools to support national reforms and coherent lifelong learning policies.
A statistician joins the skills team

A statistician joins the skills team

Nick Sofroniou will be working on the Employer Survey of Skill Needs in Europe and on Statistics and Indicators.
The ReferNet team has a new member

The ReferNet team has a new member

Donatella Gobbi comes to Cedefop from ISFOL (Istituto per lo sviluppo della formazione professionale dei lavoratori), Italy, where she worked as researcher on VET methods and, more recently, on ReferNet and institutional communication activities.
Crisis pushes young people towards involuntary part-time jobs

Crisis pushes young people towards involuntary part-time jobs

6.8 million young people in the EU are either unemployed or underemployed.
Towards a knowledge-based service economy?

Towards a knowledge-based service economy?

Currently, 38.5% of total EU employment is in knowledge-intensive services, and this percentage is on the increase.
VET-Alert - Just published on Vocational Education and Training - January 2012 issue

VET-Alert - Just published on Vocational Education and Training - January 2012 issue


News from the Member States

Items submitted by ReferNet, Cedefop's European network for VET

Stay connected to Cedefop via Social Media


EU Policy


Eurobarometer survey on Active Ageing


Europe 2020 strategy - Education and training's contribution to reducing youth


Youth Opportunities Initiative a Commission's proposal


A new issue of the European Qualifications Network Newsletter


Council conclusions on a benchmark for learning mobility


Council conclusions on language competences to enhance mobility




First meeting of the Thematic working group on professional development of trainers in VET

  02/02/2012 to 02/02/2012     Brussels, Belgium

Conference From School to Work

  06/02/2012 to 06/02/2012     Roskilde, Denmark

Meeting of Education, Youth, Culture and Sport (EYCS) Council

  10/02/2012 to 10/02/2012     Brussels, Belgium

Meeting in the Council for Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO)

  17/02/2012 to 17/02/2012     Brussels, Belgium

Skills for a low carbon economy: what next?

  27/02/2012 to 27/02/2012     OECD, Paris, France

Conference on Reducing Early School Leaving: Efficient and effective Policies in Europe

  01/03/2012 to 02/03/2012     Brussels, Belgium

Youth conference

  18/03/2012 to 21/03/2012     Soro, Denmark

Director Generals meeting in the area of youth

  20/03/2012 to 21/03/2012     Soro, Denmark

e-Skills Week 2012

  26/03/2012 to 30/03/2012     Different cities, Europe

Director Generals meeting in the area of vocational education and training

  22/04/2012 to 24/04/2012     Copenhagen, Denmark

3rd International Workshop on Curriculum Innovation and Reform: Changing Assessment to Improve Learning Outcomes

  26/04/2012 to 27/04/2012     Thessaloniki, Greece
  Published by Cedefop
Editorial responsibility: Area Communication, Information and Dissemination
News from Cedefop: Press Service
Agenda and European policy: Library and Documentation
Working with us: Human Resources and Procurement
Technical support: ICT and Web management services

Copyright © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2011
All rights reserved

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