viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Rv: [L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work - February 2012

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----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <>
Para: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <>
Enviado: jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012 9:42
Asunto: [L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work - February 2012

From: Sabine Manning []
Sent: 2012-02-01 12:56
Subject: [L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work - February 2012

Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work
Edition: February 2012 []

[accessible online at]

Dear Colleagues

This is the latest edition of the L&W Newsletter, which will reach you via
a mailing list of over 1200 experts in and beyond Europe. As usual, it
focuses on transnational research activities in the field of human resource
development (HRD) and vocational education and training (VET), centred on
major categories: conferences, networks/ centres, programmes, projects and
publications. Many thanks to all who contributed information for this
edition of the Newsletter!
Particularly worth noting in this edition are the following: the extended
deadline for the Stockholm conference on Policies & Work Market Demands
(see Conferences), the announcement of a research position in the field
"Learning, Training and Work" at Geneva university (see Centres/Networks),
a call for papers for a Special Issue on "Basic and Employability Skills"
(see Publications) and - last but not least - the doctoral thesis "Taking
the Copenhagen process apart" (see Publications).

The next edition of the Newsletter will appear in early April 2012. You
are invited to submit short pieces of news (text of 100 to 200 words,
without attachments, but including links to web resources) - please by 31
March 2012 at the latest!

With best wishes
Sabine Manning
Research Forum WIFO
Editor of the L&W Newsletter


International Conference on Policies & Work Market Demands - Stockholm
23-24 May 2012

Challenges and potentialities for vocational education and training -
Voices from research
This conference & research workshop aims to be a forum where the voice of
research can be heard concerning controversial issues/questions such as: #
What are the new challenges and potentialities arising from the
implementation of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the
National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF)? # To what extent can early career
choice hinder further professional and personal development? # What is the
place of apprenticeship in this new context? The conference/research
workshop welcomes proposals for papers dealing with a variety of issues
related to the central questions mentioned above. This goes from policy
analysis to project reports and case studies. A selection of the
contributions will be published! Deadline for abstract submission prolonged
to 25 March 2012! Venue: The conference will be held on board a Viking Line
cruise vessel and at Hotel Park Alandia, the Åland islands. Organizer:
Stockholm University. For information visit: - Contact: Enni
Paul PhD candidate, Conference administrator (;
Professor Lázaro Moreno Herrera, Chair organizing Committee
(Info from: Lázaro Moreno Herrera)

International Congress "Knowledge Management and Organizational
Development" May 2012

EDO 2012 II International Congress Knowledge Management and Organizational
Development: training and corporate training, organized by the
Organizational Development Team (EDO) of the Autonomous University of
Barcelona and the Centre for Legal Studies and Specialised Training (CEJFE)
of the Catalan Government, will take place at Barcelona 23-25 May 2012. The
deadline for the presentation of complete contributions is Monday 20
February 2012. We want to encourage you to make a contribution to one of
the two scheduled forms: free papers or papers related to a symposium
theme. Regarding symposiums, you can submit 4 or 5 papers that revolve
around one of the subject matters (if that is the case, please get in touch
with our secretariat by sending an e-mail to For more details
on our Congress, please check this website:
(Call received from EDO team

International Conference "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Networks" June

The Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics (CIEO),
University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal will host this years' Uddevalla
Symposium, organized by the University West, Trollhättan, Sweden in
cooperation with Jönköping International Business School, Centre of
Excellence for Science and Innovations Studies (CESIS), Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and George Mason University, USA. The 15th
Uddevalla Symposium 2012 on "Entrepreneurship and Innovation Networks" will
take place at the University of Algarve, Portugal, from 14th to 16th June
2012. We welcome researchers from various fields, such as economic
geography, economic history, entrepreneurship, international business,
management, political science, regional economics, small business
economics, sociology and urban and regional planning. We expect a great
event with worldwide recognized guest speakers and indexed ISI
international journals as outcomes. For further information, please visit
the symposium website
(Posted by: Julieta Rosa on behalf of Teresa de Noronha)

NOTE: Forthcoming and recent events related to European research in work
and learning are listed on the WIFO Conference page

Senior Lecturer and Research position in the field "Learning, Training and

The Department of Adult Education at the University of Geneva is
advertising for a full-time and permanent position of Senior Lecturer and
Researcher (Maître d'Enseignement et de Recherche) in the field of
"Learning, Training and Work". Applicants should be able to teach in French
after a period of transition. They are expected to contribute to the
reinforcement of research and teaching in the field of Workplace learning
in Adult and Vocational Education. Close collaborations with existing
research teams in the Department of Adult Education are expected
(, as well as strong
international research networks. Expertise in both qualitative and
quantitative methodologies will be highly appreciated. Information about
this position is available on the following link: Applicants can
contact, and for inquiries or additional information about
this position. The deadline for submission is February  22nd 2012.
(Posted by: Laurent Filliettaz)

Professional Practice, Education and Learning (ProPEL) Research Network
– International Conference, May 2012

ProPEL ( is a collaborative,
multi-professional international network that promotes research and
knowledge exchange in leading issues of professional education, practice
and learning. Housed at the University of Stirling under the Direction of
Professor Tara Fenwick, and working with a range of partner researchers, we
aim to promote leading-edge research and theory that examines the most
pressing issues in professional practice, education and learning, today and
for the future. We would like to invite you to our international conference
from 9-11 May, 2012 at the University of Stirling.  The conference theme is
'Professions and Professional Learning in Troubling Times: Emerging
Practices and Transgressive Knowledge'. The conference will include over
140 individual papers, symposiums and poster presentations. We also have a
number of distinguished keynote speakers, including Professor Julia Evetts
(Nottingham) and Professor John Urry (Lancaster). For more information
please email or visit:
(Posted by: Bonnie Slade

Seminar on "Personal and Political in Cross-cultural Comparisons" in

The VET & Culture Network will hold a Seminar on Personal and political in
cross-cultural comparisons, with a focus on vocational, adult and higher
education, 15.-17.3.2012 in Ahlman vocational institute, Tampere. The
seminar is part of long-term international research and study collaboration
in adult and vocational education, developed since 1993 in the research
network Vocational Education and Culture and in ESREA´s Adult Education
Professionals and History networks
(, The aim
of the seminar is to provide a platform for reflection and discussion on
the function and meaning of personal and political in comparative/
cross-cultural research in areas of adult, vocational and higher education.
The seminar is free of charge, but most participants are expected to take
care of their travel and accommodation costs (in Ahlman vocational
institute, Expressions of
interest should be sent to and
(deadline 31.1.2012). Further information see
(Posted by:  Anja Heikkinen

Transitions in Youth conference 2012

After a very successful meeting in Tallin in September 2011, we are now
preparing for the 20th annual workshop of the European Research Network on
Transitions in Youth. It will take place from 5-8 September 2012 in
Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and will be organized by Maarten Wolbers
(Department of Sociology, Radboud University Nijmegen). The central theme
for TIY2012 will be: "Transitions in youth: challenges for the next twenty
years?" A proper conference and call for papers will be sent out shortly.
We would also like to take this opportunity to draw your attention to the
new TIY website, which can be visited at:
(Announcement received from: Walter Van Trier

VET & Culture Meeting 2012

The next annual VET & Culture Meeting will take place from 30.08. to
02.09.2012 in Wuppertal (Germany). After the more formal conference
together with ETF in 2011 and following the tradition of biannual cycles,
the Wuppertal meeting will be a workshop with inputs, discussions and
hands-on work. All networkers are invited to join and contribute with their
ideas to the agenda. More information about the general framework and
topics to work on will soon be made available. Follow also the website
(Based on information from: Gabriele Molzberger via the Newsletter of the VET and
Culture network)

NOTE: References to research networks in the field of European work and
learning are available on the WIFO page Networks at a glance

PhD project

Competence development for realizing and maintaining corporate social
responsibility and sustainability
International concerns about the depletion of natural capital has led to a
worldwide focus on sustainability. As one of the greatest users of natural
and human resources, organizations are being encouraged or forced, to take
up their responsibility and invest in sustainable development. With this
PhD project we aim at enhancing scientific knowledge on (key) competencies
and learning activities that are related to organizational sustainability
performance, as organizational performance is dependent on the competencies
of its employees. Moreover, by constructing a psychometrically sound
measurement tool for sustainability-related competencies in this project,
organizations will be provided with a useful tool to assess and select
employees on sustainability-related competencies. - PhD researcher: Eghe
Osagie ( Tutors: Martin Mulder (
and Renate Wesselink ( Supervising institution:
University of Wageningen; Education and Competence Studies Group. Further
information on the web page:
(Contributed by: Eghe Osagie/ Martin Mulder)

PhD Program

The Research Centre for Spatial and Organizational Dynamics (CIEO),
University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal offers the PhD Program in Innovation
and Land Use Management – 2nd edition. The goal is to promote scientific
research in the area of the spatial dynamics and organization, on a basis
of multidisciplinary scientific knowledge related with innovation,
sustainability and spatial organization. For more information and
(Posted by: Julieta Rosa on behalf of Teresa de Noronha)

NOTE: Contributions are welcome for the next edition of the Directory of
Doctoral Dissertations (, provided as part of the
WIFO Gateway, which focuses on European research in the field of vocational
education (VET) and human resource development (HRD). Please provide
information on expected or newly completed doctoral dissertations
investigating issues of HRD, VET or work-related adult education, according
to the following pattern: 1*Theme of dissertation (original language AND
English); 2*Year of (expected) completion or publication; 3*Author (name
and email address); 4*Tutor (name and email address); 5*Institution of
tutor (name and home page). Contributions should be posted by email to the
editor (

Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education in Europe (EIPPEE)
This is a two-year project (March 2011 to Spring 2013), aiming to increase
the use of evidence to inform decision-making in education policy and
practice across Europe ( The EIPPEE project shared expert
knowledge and good practice at a one-day conference on knowledge brokerage.
The Bridging the Gap between Research, Policy and Practice conference
explored the role of knowledge brokers (or intermediaries) in producing
research impact. It  was organised by the UK Economic and Social Research
Council (ESRC) Genomics Policy & Research Forum and was held on 7 December
2011. The EIPPEE project presented a poster outlining the development of an
analytical framework that describes activities linking research with
policy. (see The 1st
EIPPEE conference is to be held in the Hague, Netherlands, 9-10 May 2012
(programme available soon). Contact: Caroline Kenny
(Information obtained from VET & Culture Newsletter and EIPPEE Newsletter)

NOTE: Contributions are invited to update the Overview of European
research projects [], provided as part of the
WIFO Gateway. The overview focuses on transnational research projects,
mainly supported by EU programmes, in the areas of human resource
development, vocational education, work and learning. Please send the
following information to the editor (  (A) exact title
and acronym (short name) of the project; (B) name and email address of the
coordinator or main contact; (C) address of the website (or info page/
flyer) of the project.
(Contact and editor: Sabine Manning)

Call for papers: Basic and Employability Skills
The International Journal of Training and Development invites papers for a
Special Issue of the journal on Basic and Employability Skills. The guest
editors for this issue are  Becci Newton, Linda Miller (Institute for
Employment Studies) and Andy Biggart (Centre for Effective Education,
Queen's University Belfast). The intention is to publish the special
issue in September 2013. The editors welcome any research-based article on
the development of basic and employability skills. Contributions can relate
to any aspect of the subject, including but not restricted to: #The role of
education systems in meeting employers' skill needs; #Comparative work
examining basic and employability skills across countries; #The role of ICT
in delivering employability skills; #The development of 'soft skills'
and measurement of 'distance travelled'; #[Re-]Engagement with training
among low-skilled workers; #Influence of cultural factors on the
development of basic and employability skills; #The utility of general
versus applied approaches to basic skills development. To submit a paper
for consideration please send an extended abstract of no more than 750
words to  Linda Miller ( by 30th April 2012. Read
the full call for papers here:
(Posted by: Linda Miller

Challenges and Reforms in Vocational Education: Aspects of Inclusion and
Stolz, Stefanie / Gonon, Philipp (Eds.)
In this collected edition, globalisation and its consequences on
vocational education systems are described and, at the same time, combined
with the question of whether new phenomena of inclusion but also of
exclusion are produced. Inclusion and exclusion are differentiations that
predominate in all kinds of (vocational education) systems, regardless of
their national background. Vocational education developed out of the
requirement to integrate large parts of society into a broader or more
extended education and, consequently, into an economic and social process.
Besides the so-called «social question», gender-, status- and
generation-specific characteristics and also the participation in higher
education are under discussion. Depending on each country - this volume
features contributions of Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Denmark,
France, Finland, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the USA - this
debate generates a different development which is described by the authors
in their different research areas. Collectively, a multifaceted overall
picture arises which illustrates the importance of inclusion and exclusion.
Further information:
This book (Peter Lang Publishers, 2012) is based upon the VET & Culture
Conference "Inclusion and Exclusion in a Globalised World" in Zurich 2009
(Posted by: Stefanie Stolz )

ECVET – Compatibility of Competences in the Automotive Sector
Georg Spöttl, Klaus Ruth (Eds.)
The bilingual brochure (English/German) aims at presenting a Credit Point
system for the automotive service and repair sector. As a prerequisite, a
sector-related qualifications framework was developed based on empirical
surveys. The framework will act as a reference system for the further
development of the credit point system. The added value of this concept
lies in the fact that the descriptors of the qualifications framework could
be very clearly described due to their work process orientation. They can
be easily comprehended by the sector representatives who assess and
voluntarily accept these results as an image of their practical field of
work. A credit point system was linked to the work process oriented sector
framework. The credit points are assigned directly for core work-processes
and thus underpin the work process orientation. Both the sector framework
and the Credit Point system will be discussed in the brochure. More
information at:
(Posted by: Georg Spöttl

Methods and Instruments for the Evaluation and Monitoring of VET Systems
A Special Issue on Methods and Instruments for the Evaluation and
Monitoring of Vocational Education and Training Systems, edited by Philipp
Grollmann & Melanie Hoppe, has appeared in the Journal Research in
Comparative and International Education (Vol. 6 No 3, 2011). Included are
contributions on #Reconceptualising vocational education and training
systems in broader policy domains: monitoring and evaluation (Eddington),
#The development of a strategy for vocational education and training:
experiences from Montenegro (Hoppe/ Burmester/ Ebben), #Development of
entry-level competence tests: a strategy for evaluation of vocational
education training systems (Schütte/ Spöttl), #Monitoring of
qualifications and employment in Austria: an empirical approach based on
the labour force survey (Lassnigg/ Vogtenhuber), #The use of large-scale
administrative data sets to monitor progression from vocational education
and training into higher education in the UK (Hayward/ Hoelscher) and
#Organised governmental learning: vocational education and training
practices between peer review and peer learning (Speer). For further
information see:
(Reference from: Georg Spöttl Info based on
Journal website/

Practice-Based Innovation - Through Reflection at Work
The book Practice-Based Innovation: Insights, Applications and Policy
Implications, edited by Helinä Melkas & Vesa Harmaakorpi (Berlin:
Springer-Verlag 2012) is based on contributions from a number of European
scholars on different aspects of practice-based innovation, and its
relations to learning and knowledge integration. For further details see: - Included is a
chapter on Fostering Practice-Based Innovation Through Reflection at Work,
contributed by Per Nilsen & Per-Erik Ellström, with the following outcome:
Practice-based knowledge built up through experience is needed to obtain
expertise and skills in occupations and work tasks, but this form of
knowledge is not conducive to change or renewal. The development of
practice-based innovations can be fostered by creative learning made
possible through the deliberate use of research-based knowledge to
challenge well-established attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Reflection in
the workplace can be used as an instrument to integrate research-based
knowledge with practice-based knowledge to scrutinise and possibly revise
prevailing thought and action patterns, thus facilitating creative
learning. Reflection is often not allotted formal priority on the
management agenda, yet the potential of reflection cannot be fully realised
without formalising this as an expected, legitimised activity in the
workplace. Thus, decisions and planned mechanisms, structures, and
procedures are needed to facilitate and support reflection in the
(Based on information received from: Per-Erik Ellström

Taking the Copenhagen process apart: Critical readings of European
vocational education and training policy
Doctoral thesis by Pia Cort - Danish University of Education. Aarhus
University, 2011
The thesis analyses the Copenhagen Process from a critical perspective
based on the policy analysis methodology, "What's the Problem Represented
to Be?" (WPR) developed by Professor Carol Bacchi. The main research
question "How can the European vocational education and training policy
process - the Copenhagen Process - be understood from a WPR perspective? "
is addressed in six articles which take apart the Copenhagen Process and
deal with specific WPR questions and specific aspects of the Copenhagen
Process: the construction of vocational education and training; changes in
governmentality; the genealogy of EC vocational education and training
policy; the technologies of Europeanization; and finally the discursive and
institutional effects of the policy process in the Danish context. The
thesis argues that the Copenhagen Process has legitimately extended
vocational education and training policy formation to include the EU and
its new institutional settings established through the Open Method of
Coordination. Furthermore, vocational education and training is being
reconfigured within a neoliberal Lifelong Learning discourse in which
education and training in general is to contribute to the competitiveness
of the EU in a global economy. Within this discourse, policy is
de-politicized and naturalised as being neutral and evidence-based leading
to the unreflective transfer of policies across countries. - Download of
thesis via
(Received from: Pia Cort

NOTE: Books with a focus on cross-European issues of work and learning are
presented on the WIFO Bookshelf []. In addition, the
WIFO Gateway provides a classified collection of European and international
Journals related to education research [].
Editor of the L&W Newsletter: Dr Sabine Manning, Research Forum WIFO
Address: Neue Blumenstr. 1, D-10179 Berlin, Germany;
Editions of the L&W Newsletter: six times a year, every two months (at the
beginning of February, April, June, August, October, December);
Deadline for contributions to the L&W Newsletter: end of January, March,
May, July, September, November;
Circulation of the current L&W Newsletter: about 1200 experts in 40
countries (mostly Europe);
Details and Archive of the L&W Newsletter [].

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