sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012

Rv: [1] discussion and [6] comments on LinkedIn

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----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: International Training Centre of the ILO Group Members <group-digests@linkedin.com>
Para: Guillermo Cámara <guillofca@yahoo.com.ar>
Enviado: viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012 17:17
Asunto: [1] discussion and [6] comments on LinkedIn

International Training Centre of the ILO
March 2, 2012
Still Active Discussions (2)
MyCOOP, Managing your Agricultural Cooperative, is a new and innovative training package and programme, freely accessible to all. Its distance learning ToT is being launched this week. Check it out.
Started by Carlien van Empel
The MyCOOP training package is integrated as a face-to-face course in the International Training of Trainer's forum which will take place ... more » By Carlien van Empel
2 new comments
New ILO training on "Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking" (ITC)
Started by Aurélie Hauchère Vuong
Dear Aure'lie, If I may be granted suggestion, I will like to suggest that in the future please decentralize your training programes in... more » By Edwin Korle
4 new comments
Internship offer. Please visit our page http://socialprotection.itcilo.org/internship-offers/
Started by Cinzia Bizzotto, Web Editor, Social Networks & Participants' Network Coordinator, GenderInfo Editor at ITC-ILO
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