miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012


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----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <e-Forum@unevoc.unesco.org>
Para: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <forum@unevoc.unesco.org>
Enviado: martes, 13 de marzo de 2012 9:46

From: Chris Chinien [mailto:chris.chinien@gmail.com]
Sent: 2012-03-13 13:40

Dear Colleagues,

It would appear to me that with the introduction of National Qualification
Framework or National Vocational Qualification Framework occupational
standards are getting more and more voluminous and complex; not to
mentioned the growing litany of terms and jargon used.

I have in front of me a Vocational Training Regulations from Germany which
is only 10 pages long and it specifies the designation of the respective
training occupation,; The duration of initial training for the occupation,
the occupational profile – the "skills, knowledge and competences"
that are for a particular occupation in summary form; the framework
curriculum – a guide that outlines the syllabus and timetable to be
followed when teaching said skills, knowledge and competences, examination
requirements (BIBB, 2006).

I find it amazing why a country with such a minimalist standard has an
apprenticeship system which is the envy of the rest of the world both in
terms of outcomes and impact? Are we over-analyzing occupations?
Are we making full us of all these analyses? and at the end of the day is
it contributing to the bottom line --is it making a difference? Are all the
product of the analysis used for assessment. Would the German TVET system
which is already well-acclaimed in the TVET literature , be significantly
improved if they begin to develop detailed occupational standards?

The recent ILO report on National Qualification Framework puts into
question the widespread move to introduce NQF(which encapsulates
occupational standards):

Direct Quote:

"Expectations that qualifications frameworks can achieve the ambitious
policy objectives claimed for them in relatively limited time periods seem
to be ill-founded. This research found little evidence that NQFs are
achieving their goals. In many instances this was because NQFs are a recent
intervention, and it may be simply too early to tell.
Nonetheless, the absence of clearly available evidence of successes,
particularly for the older frameworks, is an important finding for a policy
that has been so widely accepted internationally. Some specific evidence of
qualifications frameworks having failed to achieve their goals was found.
Considerable evidence of difficulties associated with implementing
qualifications frameworks was also found. The framework which emerges from
this study as the most successful, the Scottish Credit and Qualifications
Framework, had relatively limited ambitions and may also be the most
difficult to replicate, because of the very long-term incremental policy
reform process of which it was a part, and the relatively strong
educational institutions in Scotland.  ………The research found little
evidence that NQFs have substantially improved communication between
education and training systems and labour markets (p.2).

Do we have a purpose or are we just being trendy?

Chinien, Ph.D.
Workforce Development Consulting
Montreal, Canada

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