jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

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De: Cedefop newsletter sender <cedefop-newsletter-sender@cedefop.europa.eu>
Para: guillofca@yahoo.com.ar
Enviado: jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012 11:46
Asunto: Cedefop Newsletter no. 22 - May 2012

Cedefop Newsletter no. 22 - May 2012
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Cedefop Newsletter no. 22 - May 2012

ISSN 1831-5259
PDF version | Full view | Permalink

Main story

  Cedefop makes the case for communities of practice at ECVET annual forum

Cedefop makes the case for communities of practice at ECVET annual forum

The 3d annual forum on ECVET (the European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training) signals the coming of age of this new instrument, which aims to allow all vocational students to have their education and training recognised across the European Union.

News from Cedefop

Making mobility real

Making mobility real

The European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET) is a powerful tool for increasing cross-border cooperation in education and training. Its adoption will make it possible for all citizens to use their qualifications and learning outcomes in any new learning or working experience across the European Union.
Sectoral perspectives on the benefits of vocational education and training

Sectoral perspectives on the benefits of vocational education and training

Job satisfaction is no luxury: it is an integral part of human resource policy and considerably affects productivity. But the relationship between job satisfaction and training varies significantly across sectors. This may be due to factors such as working practices in the sector, the technology used in production process, and social and cultural norms. The latest in Cedefop's series of studies on the benefits of vocational education and training discusses the variance of job satisfaction among sectors, and what role national or regional growth strategies can play in improving it.
Financing training through loans

Financing training through loans

One of the reasons why adults do not take up education and training is cost. Loans provide a way to cover these costs. But which schemes are used across Europe, and which work best? Cedefop's latest research paper reviews the use of loans for learning in 33 European countries and analyses the schemes in eight Member States: France, Hungary, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Finland, Sweden and the UK.
Rising unemployment hits low-skilled adults the hardest

Rising unemployment hits low-skilled adults the hardest

At 14.8 %, the crisis-induced EU unemployment rate for low-educated adults is five percentage points higher than in 2008 and well above average.
VET-Alert - Just published on Vocational Education and Training - May 2012 issue

VET-Alert - Just published on Vocational Education and Training - May 2012 issue


Working with us


Methodologies for evaluating ECVET implementation


English editing services

AO/CID/DRC/English Editing Services/007/12

Mid-term skills supply and demand forecast


News from the Member States

Items submitted by ReferNet, Cedefop's European network for VET

Stay connected to Cedefop via Social Media


EU Policy


Council conclusions on fostering the creative and innovative potential of young people


Council conclusions on the employability of graduates from education and training


Promoting VET-business cooperation and partnerships in vocational education and training


Assuring the quality of vocational qualifications

How common EU tools - EQAVET, EQF, ECVET - contribute to raising standards on the basis of learning outcomes

Conference outcomes on "Reducing Early School Leaving: Efficient and Effective Policies in Europe"


We have tried ECVET: Lessons from the first generation of ECVET pilot projects


ECVET Magazine No 8_2012




3rd Annual ECVET Forum

  31/05/2012 to 01/06/2012     Brussels, Europe

European Business Forum on Vocational Training

  07/06/2012 to 08/06/2012     Brussels, Belgium

Raising Achievements for All Learners – Quality in Inclusive Education

  13/06/2012 to 14/06/2012     Odense, Denmark

Meeting of Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO)

  21/06/2012 to 22/06/2012     Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Generations Ageing Together - A conference on intergenerational solidarity

  07/07/2012 to 11/07/2012     Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Conference on "Policy Transfer in Vocational Skills Development Revisited"

  13/09/2012 to 14/09/2012     Zurich, Switzerland

5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation

  19/11/2012 to 21/11/2012     Madrid, Spain
  Published by Cedefop
Editorial responsibility: Area Communication, Information and Dissemination
News from Cedefop: Press Service
Agenda and European policy: Library and Documentation
Working with us: Human Resources and Procurement
Technical support: ICT and Web management services

Copyright © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2012
All rights reserved

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