martes, 12 de junio de 2012

Rv: RE: Four key issues for skills in India

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--- El lun 11-jun-12, UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <> escribió:

De: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <>
Asunto: RE: Four key issues for skills in India
Para: "UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum" <>
Fecha: lunes, 11 de junio de 2012, 5:11

From: Norton, Robert []
Sent: 2012-06-08 20:30
Subject: RE: Four key issues for skills in India

Dear Rajat,

Your summary of the situation in India seems to be a very good one.  One
major facet that I find lacking is the need to link with and involve
business and industry in a substantive way in all your planning and
analysis work. With serious industry involvement, you must determine what
real job opportunities exist and involve expert workers (top performers) in
identifying the duties and tasks they must perform to be successful.  This
type of analyses can then be used as a foundation for developing your
curriculum around WHAT should be taught as opposed to WHAT could be or
should NOT be taught.

This type of analyses can be conducted on a regional, statewide, or
national basis.  Using the proven effective, efficient,  and low cost
approach known as DACUM (Developing A Curriculum) we have helped many
colleges, technical schools,  companies, and countries to identify the
tasks (competencies) that should be taught to meet the needs of both the
learners and employers. I highly recommend it to you. We can conduct such
analyses for you but greatly prefer training your persons as DACUM
Facilitators, so they will be Certified to conduct analyses for their
college or other organization whenever needed.  For more information about
the DACUM process and the related SCID curriculum development process,
please see our website at 

I am also attaching our DACUM & SCID Process Flow Chart, a sample DACUM
chart which is the output of a two-day workshop, and a brief description of
the DACUM process.

Dr. Robert E. Norton, Director
DACUM International Training Center
Center on Education and Training for Employment Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio


DACUM and SCID Process Flow Chart

DACUM Process-Info Sheet

DACUM Research Chart for Center of Excellence Directors

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