sábado, 7 de julio de 2012

Rv: New Report: Employer Engagement In English Independent Schools (July 2012)

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----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <e-Forum@unevoc.unesco.org>
Para: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <forum@unevoc.unesco.org>
Enviado: viernes, 6 de julio de 2012 13:01
Asunto: New Report: Employer Engagement In English Independent Schools (July 2012)

From: James Dawkins [james.dawkins@educationandemployers.org]
Sent: 2012-07-06 17:47:02
Subject:  New Report: Employer Engagement In English Independent Schools (July 2012)

Colleagues may be interested in a new report, published on Monday 2nd July,
by the Education and Employers Taskforce which reviews the engagement of
English independent schools (and high performing independent schools in
particular) with employers to support the learning and progression of
pupils. The report draws upon structured interviews with 15 staff in six
different schools, analysis of data from a survey of 987 young adults (aged
19-24) which provided evidence on the extent to which employer engagement
practices identified in high performing schools are typical of the sector,
and desk-research to identify the extent of employer engagement in 20 high
performing independent schools. Three key questions were asked - To what
extent do they engage with employers? Why do they do it? and, How they go
about it?

Please follow the link to download this report:

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