miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012

Rv: Skills training vs. TVET

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----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <e-Forum@unevoc.unesco.org>
Para: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <forum@unevoc.unesco.org>
Enviado: martes, 24 de julio de 2012 7:19
Asunto: RE: Skills training vs. TVET

From: Ahmed Tahsinah DEZA AHMTA [mailto:tahsinah.ahmed@sdc.net]
Sent: 2012-07-24 12:00
Subject: RE: Skills training vs. TVET

Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached (this is the final draft version. The final version
is with the printers and not very different than this one) the recently
approved Skills Development Policy of Bangladesh. As you will notice, the
vision (the definition is in pgs 7, 8 .. ) of Skills Development (SD) in
Bangladesh is now expanded to include the formal / public; non formal &
informal; private and overseas subsectors. The policy promotes that
technical vocational education and training can take place within any of
these sub sectors and as far as developing countries are concerned, the end
result has to be human resource development geared towards enabling decent
employment and income opportunities. The Recognition of Prior Learning
(RPL) allows the inter-linkages within the mentioned sub sectors and the
Pre Voc 1 & 2 of the NTVQF allows an equivalency system to function. Due to
the NTVQF, public institutions will soon be accessible to disadvantaged
groups. The traditional TVET concept was limited to the services provided
by the public / formal institutions, and in some cases, in collaboration
with the private sector. Within the purview of SD, the concept of TVET has
broadened to not only bring all the mentioned subsectors within a frame,
but also link more meaningfully to market systems and the dynamisms of
urban and rural economies. Stakeholders in the SD sector have had years
long lengthy debates on the issue and have arrived to a consensus that this
paradigm shift is essential in the best interest of the country, specially
where majority of the people are poor, majority of the workforce are
excluded from formal / public service offers due to limited literacy
skills. The SD policy was developed in a participatory process and is now
supported by all stakeholders.


Tahsinah Ahmed
Programme Manager
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Embassy of Switzerland
Bir Bikram Major Hafiz Sarak House 31B, Road 18 Banani, Dhaka-1213,
Bangladesh Tel. +8802- 881 23 92-94, 881 40 99, Fax. +8802 882 34 97
Website: www.sdc.org.bd


National Skills Development Policy Bangladesh

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