miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Rv: 2012 Cedefop VET-Bib database user survey - please participate

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Los Sauces 274 - Choele Choel - Provincia de Río Negro - RA
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Los libros terminados pueden ubicarse en los archivos de los sitios indicados en español, o, en http://www.ediciona.com/escritor_guillermo_fernando_camara-dirf-17990-c15.htm

----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: "BRENNER, Bettina" <bettina.brenner@cedefop.europa.eu>
Para: "vetalert@cookie.cedefop.europa.eu" <vetalert@cookie.cedefop.europa.eu>
Enviado: miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012 10:28
Asunto: 2012 Cedefop VET-Bib database user survey - please participate

European Centre for the Development
of Vocational Training
Library and Documentation
Thessaloniki, 24 October 2012
Dear VET-Alert subscriber,
VET-Bib is Cedefop's digital library and the most comprehensive database of vocational education and training (VET) literature in Europe.
VET-Bib is also the source of our monthly VET-Alert service to which you are subscribing to.
Please help us measure the quality of VET-Bib by taking 5 minutes to complete this survey.
Simply click on the link below, or cut and paste the entire URL into your browser to access the survey:
Your feedback is important to us and will help to improve our service. Your answers will be kept anonymous and strictly confidential.
We would appreciate your response by 9 November 2012.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact us at library@cedefop.europa.eu
Yours sincerely,
Bettina Brenner
Cedefop Library and Documentation
Please read Cedefop's personal data protection policy . Send us an email message to Unsubscribe

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