jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

Rv: Cedefop Newsletter no. 25 - October 2012

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De: Cedefop newsletter sender <cedefop-newsletter-sender@cedefop.europa.eu>
Para: guillofca@yahoo.com.ar
Enviado: jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012 10:06
Asunto: Cedefop Newsletter no. 25 - October 2012

Cedefop Newsletter no. 25 - October 2012
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Cedefop Newsletter no. 25 - October 2012

ISSN 1831-5259
PDF version | Full view | Permalink

Main story

Ten years of networking expertise on vocational education and training
Fabienne Goux-Baudiment, head of proGective Research Centre for Futures Studies speaking at the 10th anniversary of ReferNet

Ten years of networking expertise on vocational education and training

The best information always comes straight from the source. Ten years ago, Cedefop set up a network designed to provide it with the most reliable information on national vocational education and training systems and policies. The network collects much of the information and data on which Cedefop's research and analysis is based. In October, ReferNet celebrated this milestone with a conference in which futures specialist Fabienne Goux-Baudiment outlined the challenges education and training will be facing. Cedefop also issued a special publication that included contributions from ReferNet members.

News from Cedefop


Sara's path

For ReferNet's 10th anniversary, Margaretha Allen and Ulrika Hallin wrote a story illustrating how the common EU tools will, in the near future, open up opportunities for citizens - for learning, working, and for building exciting and fulfilling careers.
Briefing note - Qualifications frameworks in Europe: an instrument for transparency and change

Briefing note - Qualifications frameworks in Europe: an instrument for transparency and change

Briefing note - Permeable education and training systems: reducing barriers and increasing opportunity

Briefing note - Permeable education and training systems: reducing barriers and increasing opportunity

VET-Bib user survey

VET-Bib user survey

VET-Alert - Just published on Vocational Education and Training - October 2012 issue

VET-Alert - Just published on Vocational Education and Training - October 2012 issue


Working with us


Quality approaches in Learning and Training patterns in European small firms

AO/ECVL/TB/Quality Approaches/019/2012

News from the Member States

Items submitted by ReferNet, Cedefop's European network for VET

Stay connected to Cedefop via Social Media


EU Policy


Labour Mobility - Towards a European Labour Market


Conclusions towards a job-rich recovery and giving a better chance to Europe's youth


Policy Brief on Youth Entrepreneurship


Restructuring in Europe 2011


Using ECVET for Geographical Mobility (2012)

Part II of the ECVET Users' Guide



Vocational Education and Training: Policy and Practice in the field of Special Education

  12/11/2012 to 13/11/2012     Nicosia, Cyprus

ENTEP & Benchmarks

  13/11/2012 to 16/11/2012     Limassol, Cyprus

European Network on Teacher Education Policies-ENTEP & Benchmarks

  15/11/2012 to 16/11/2012     Limassol, Cyprus

5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation

  19/11/2012 to 21/11/2012     Madrid, Spain
  Published by Cedefop
Editorial responsibility: Area Communication, Information and Dissemination
News from Cedefop: Press Service
Agenda and European policy: Library and Documentation
Working with us: Human Resources and Procurement
Technical support: ICT and Web management services

Copyright © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2012
All rights reserved

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