miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Rv: NORRAG has got a new website!

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Los libros terminados pueden ubicarse en los archivos de los sitios indicados en español, o, en http://www.ediciona.com/escritor_guillermo_fernando_camara-dirf-17990-c15.htm

----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: NORRAG Team <news@email.norrag.org>
Para: guillofca@yahoo.com.ar
Enviado: miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012 9:06
Asunto: NORRAG has got a new website!

Newsletter Norrag
Newsletter n°1 : NORRAG has got a new website!
Message not displaying correctly, view online version
Dear Guillermo Fernando Cámara Update your profile
The NORRAG Team is proud to announce its new website is now online!
The URL is still www.norrag.org and as before, almost all of the website can be accessed without login (only the latest NORRAG NEWS issue and the networking tool require login).

To login, your username remains the email address you used to register but for technical reasons new passwords had to be generated for all our members.

This is your new password: GtdYBXbf

You can of course modify it anytime by editing your profile (go to "profile" on the upper right corner of the header and then click on "change my password" in the left column). We also invite you to check your personal data and update your profile if needed.

We hope that you like the new website and would be very grateful if you could give us some feedback!
If you have not had the opportunity to visit our new blog yet, check it out at norrag.wordpress.com

The blog is covering key issues related to international education and training and has three current themes:
  • the post- 2015 agenda
  • technical and vocational skills development
  • results/value for money
NORRAG - Network for Policy Research, Review and Advice on Education and Training
Website: www.norrag.org
Blog I Facebook I Twitter

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