miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

Rv: Fwd: Operation Education to be launched soon!

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----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: Guillermo Fernando Cámara <guillofca@yahoo.com.ar>
Para: Guillermo Fernando Cámara <guillofca@yahoo.com.ar>
Enviado: miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013 14:42
Asunto: Fwd: Operation Education to be launched soon!

Guillermo Fernando Cámara
Teléfono Celular 342-5045816

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ocean Protectors via Causes <no-reply@causesmail.com>
Date: 2013/2/27
Subject: Operation Education to be launched soon!
To: guillofca@yahoo.com.ar

Ocean Protectors
A new note from the cause

Ocean Protectors

Operation Education to be launched soon!

Posted by Timothy Shorter (cause founder)
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Operation: Education will be begin on schedule and the first article will be hopefully released next week. The articles will be released every few weeks.
1. All For Soup - The Horrors of Shark Finning
2. Dolphin Slaughter and Captivity - The Connection
3. The End of The Line - How Overfishing is Killing the Oceans
4. "RESEARCH" - Uncovering Japans Covert Commercial Whaling Operation
More will be announced soon...
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