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----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: Guillermo Fernando Cámara <guillofca@yahoo.com.ar>
Para: Guillermo Fernando Cámara <guillofca@yahoo.com.ar>
Enviado: miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013 14:01
Asunto: Fwd: Cedefop Newsletter no. 28 - January/February 2013

Guillermo Fernando Cámara
Teléfono Celular 342-5045816

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From: Cedefop newsletter sender <cedefop-newsletter-sender@cedefop.europa.eu>
Date: 2013/3/6
Subject: Cedefop Newsletter no. 28 - January/February 2013
To: guillofca@yahoo.com.ar

Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training

Cedefop Newsletter no. 28 - January/February 2013

ISSN 1831-5259
PDF version | Full view | Permalink

Main story

Education and vocational training specialists can now apply for the next round of study visits
Participants in a study visit in Cardiff, Wales, "Trade unions creating a learning culture in the workplace"

Education and vocational training specialists can now apply for the next round of study visits

"Observing learning practice in another country…allows you to see your own work in a new light" (A head teacher from Austria)

News from Cedefop

Briefing note - Silver workers – golden opportunities

Briefing note - Silver workers – golden opportunities

It is a well-known fact that the European workforce is getting older. Instead of being seen as a demographic time bomb with very negative consequences, Europe's ageing workforce is increasingly talked about as 'the silver economy' that may energise development and bring new opportunities for economic growth.
Briefing note - More effective VET and lifelong learning policies: awareness raising, analysis and advice

Briefing note - More effective VET and lifelong learning policies: awareness raising, analysis and advice

This briefing note presents Cedefop's achievements in 2012 and provides an overview of the plans for 2013 for the following key areas: policies for modernising VET systems, careers and transitions, skills and competences.
Spotlight on VET - Ireland

Spotlight on VET - Ireland

The latest in the series of brief descriptions of national training systems, "Spotlight on VET in Ireland" presents the Irish education and training system in a nutshell, including an account of distinguished features of the Irish VET system, and a list of useful websites.
Curriculum reform in Europe - The impact of learning outcomes

Curriculum reform in Europe - The impact of learning outcomes

This Cedefop research paper, addressing 32 countries participating in Education and Training 2020, discusses different curriculum policies focusing on learning outcomes and examines the implications these have on teaching and learners' assessment in initial VET. Conclusions propose key policy messages for effective curriculum design processes and curriculum delivery that may benefit learners.
Trends in VET policy in Europe 2010-12  - Progress towards the Bruges communiqué

Trends in VET policy in Europe 2010-12 - Progress towards the Bruges communiqué

Attention has clearly focused on helping young people remain in, and return to, education and training through work-based learning routes. Building on their joint work in the last decade, countries have advanced in setting up qualifications frameworks and devising approaches to assure quality in VET, but much work is still in the planning stage.
Future skills supply and demand in Europe - Forecast 2012

Future skills supply and demand in Europe - Forecast 2012

Cedefop's forecasts are unique in making a comparative analysis of the major trends in employment growth and decline for sectors, occupations and qualifications both across the European labour market as a whole and for individual European Union Member States.
Life after initial VET can also lead to further education

Life after initial VET can also lead to further education

Despite major differences across countries, on average 31% of young VET graduates continue in further education and training in the EU
Unemployment continues to grow in the EU, but at a slower pace now

Unemployment continues to grow in the EU, but at a slower pace now

The unemployment rate in the EU has peaked at 10.5% (higher than in 2008 by 3.4 percentage points). But between 2010 and 2012 it grew less, with some countries reporting stable or even declining trends.
VET-Alert - Just published on Vocational Education and Training - February 2013 issue

VET-Alert - Just published on Vocational Education and Training - February 2013 issue

VET-Alert - Just published on Vocational Education and Training - January 2013 issue

VET-Alert - Just published on Vocational Education and Training - January 2013 issue


Working with us


Collection and review of skill mismatch policies and practices in the EU

AO/RPA/JVLOO-KPOUL/Skill Mismatch Policies/001/13

Work-based learning approaches in continuing vocational education and training in Europe: practices and policies

AO/ECVL/ADEHM-GUTCH/Work-based learning in CVET/002/13

News from the Member States

Items submitted by ReferNet, Cedefop's European network for VET

Stay connected to Cedefop via Social Media


EU Policy


Council Conclusions on investing in education and training - a response to Rethinking Education


Tried and tested "Youth Guarantee" must now be applied throughout the EU, says CoR


Entrepreneurship education needs to be boosted, says Commission


Employment and Social Affairs Meeting will look specifically at ICT skills


Irish Minister for Social Protection discusses the Youth Guarantee


The skill mismatch challenge in Europe


Commission and UNESCO call for joint action on literacy


Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan outlines the importance of improving entrepreneurial education and training


The Irish Minister for Education and Skills outlines Ireland's education priorities for the EU Presidency




Youth Conference and Director Generals meeting

  11/03/2013 to 13/03/2013     Bologne, Italy

National Apprenticeship Week 2013

  11/03/2013 to 15/03/2013     Several locations, United Kingdom

Conference on Quality Assurance in Qualifications Frameworks

  12/03/2013 to 13/03/2013     Dublin, Ireland

Meeting of the Bologna follow-up group

  14/03/2013 to 15/03/2013     Dublin, Ireland

EQAVET Annual Forum 2013

  14/03/2013 to 15/03/2013     Dublin, Ireland

Conference on better assessment and evaluation to improve teaching and learning

  19/03/2013 to 20/03/2013     Dublin, Ireland
Published by Cedefop
Editorial responsibility: Area Communication, Information and Dissemination
News from Cedefop: Press Service
Agenda and European policy: Library and Documentation
Working with us: Human Resources and Procurement
Technical support: ICT and Web management services

Copyright © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2013
All rights reserved

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