lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Fwd: NORRAG's Working Paper #4 is now online

Guillermo Fernando Cámara
Teléfono Celular 342-5045816

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From: NORRAG Team <>
Date: 2013/4/22
Subject: NORRAG's Working Paper #4 is now online

Newsletter n°5 : NORRAG's latest Working Paper on post-2015 is now available online!
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Dear Guillermo Fernando Cámara Update your profile
NORRAG's latest Working Paper on post-2015 is now available online!
Post-2015 Agendas: Northern Tsunami, Southern Ripple? The Case Of Education And Skills
By Kenneth King and Robert Palmer (April 2013)
We carried out an analysis of what looked like the gathering storm of proposals around education and skills in the post-2015 development agendas back in August 2012 (King and Palmer, 2012). In the last seven months, there really has been a hurricane of activity.
In this new occasional paper, we revisit the architecture of the post-2015 movement, paying particular attention to the role of the South in post-2015 debates; and the role of 'Skills Development' or 'TVET' in the Education and Skills debate.
But with a battery of different levels of meetings and consultations, from local, to national, regional to international, how is it possible to contribute effectively to the debate? So another dimension of this paper analyses the route map itself, and explores the process whereby any goals or targets for new development agendas might be established, and what are the key meetings that could determine this process.
A particular education challenge in this mapping of the landscape is that there are currently three processes for proposing an education dimension of post-2015 framework: a post-MDG process, a post-EFA process and an SDG-process.
Best wishes, The NORRAG Team
NORRAG - Network for Policy Research, Review and Advice on Education and Training
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