martes, 13 de agosto de 2013

Fwd: Take Action and Do Your Part To Protect the Oceans!!

Guillermo Fernando Cámara
Teléfono Celular 342-5045816

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ocean Protectors via Causes <>
Date: 2013/8/13
Subject: Take Action and Do Your Part To Protect the Oceans!!

A message from the campaign

Ocean Protectors

The oceans are dying and the only way to save them is to use OUR voice to tell the governments of the world to stop arguing and do there part to end the degradation of the oceans. Please take action and sign these important petitions and take the pledge to watch the movie The Cove.

The Cove pledge -

End Shark Finning -

Stop Navy Sonar -

Stop "Scientific" Whaling -

End the Taiji Dolphin Hunt -

Please sign and share these actions!


Address: Causes, 88 Kearny St, Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94108 United States | Privacy Policy
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