miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Fwd: Cedefop Newsletter no. 38 - January 2014

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Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 12:12:00 +0200
Subject: Cedefop Newsletter no. 38 - January 2014
To: guillofca@yahoo.com.ar

[image: Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training]
[image: Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training]

Cedefop Newsletter no. 38 - January 2014
ISSN 1831-5259
PDF version | Full view | Permalink

Main story

[image: Cedefop at the interface of training, skills, qualifications
and employability]
Cedefop at the interface of training, skills, qualifications and employability

Cedefop Director James Calleja presented the Centre's achievements in
2013 and plans for 2014 at the European Parliament on 22 January. Mr
Calleja stressed that all of Cedefop's activities 'aim at emphasising
the inescapable link between training, skills, qualifications and

News from Cedefop

[image: Cedefop Director outlines VET priorities to European media]
Cedefop Director outlines VET priorities to European media
In a series of interviews to European media, new Cedefop Director
James Calleja has outlined the organisation's work and targets, and
addressed issues such as unemployment and career guidance that are at
the centre of European citizens' concerns.

[image: Hannes Swoboda at Cedefop]
Hannes Swoboda at Cedefop
An exchange of views on vocational education and training policies was
at the centre of the visit to Cedefop on 23 January of Hannes Swoboda,
MEP since 1996 and current President of the Progressive Alliance of
Socialists and Democrats (S&D) group in the European Parliament.

[image: Cedefop's employer survey 'a tool to explore changes in skills needs']
Cedefop's employer survey 'a tool to explore changes in skills needs'
Cedefop Deputy Director Christian Lettmayr presented the Centre's
latest skill forecast and employer survey pilot at a conference
co-organised by the European centre of employers and enterprises
providing public services (CEEP) and the European federation of
education employers (EFEE) on 24 January in Brussels.

Cedefop's role in Hellenic qualifications framework process
At a consultation meeting with social partners organised by the Greek
national organisation for the certification of qualifications and
vocational guidance (EOPPEP), Cedefop's Head of Area Enhanced
Cooperation in VET and lifelong learning Mara Brugia told participants
that the Centre has worked with the Greek Education Ministry since
2008 to develop the Hellenic qualifications framework (HQF) and has
contributed decisively to the progress achieved.

[image: Ancient Greek 'laptop' gets tested by VET experts]
Ancient Greek 'laptop' gets tested by VET experts
The Antikythera mechanism was ancient Greeks' version of a modern
portable analogue computer. The laptop-sized geared mechanism, built
circa 150-100 BC, was used to calculate and display, with high
precision, the movement of the sun and the moon in the sky. It could
predict eclipses, calculate the dates of the Olympic Games and
contained a user's manual.

[image: New publication: Macroeconomic benefits of vocational
education and training]
New publication: Macroeconomic benefits of vocational education and training
This research paper consists of an analysis carried out in six EU
Member States - Denmark, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and
the UK - representing different modes of VET (and for which data were

[image: New publication: Spotlight on VET Norway]
New publication: Spotlight on VET Norway
A concise guide to Norway's VET system, outlining its distinctive
features and challenges.

[image: New publication: Spotlight on VET Latvia]
New publication: Spotlight on VET Latvia
A three-tier vocational education system is in place in Latvia, where
work-based VET projects are a new thing, as this spotlight guide

[image: New publication: Spotlight on VET Finland]
New publication: Spotlight on VET Finland
The six-page guide argues that there are no dead-ends within Finland's
vocational educationsystem.

[image: New publication: Spotlight on VET Estonia]
New publication: Spotlight on VET Estonia
Estonia's performance in vocational education and training is
improving, according to this concise guide, and the aim is to respond
better to labour market needs with the close involvement of social
partners in policy development.

[image: New briefing note: At the interface of learning for employability]
New briefing note: At the interface of learning for employability
This briefing note outlines Cedefop's achievements in 2013 and plans
for 2014 as presented by the Centre's Director at the European

Working with us

Deputy Director
[image] Deadline:05/02/2014

Measuring Performance of EU Member States Skills Systems and
Prioritising Skill Mismatches
[image] Deadline:20/02/2014

Stay connected to Cedefop via Social Media



News from the Member States


Items submitted by ReferNet, Cedefop's European network for VET

EU Policy

Public consultation on a European area of skills and qualifications

2013 review of employment and social developments

Commission proposal for a regulation on the European job search network EURES

Youth employment: mobility of young workers

European Commission urges Member States to improve quality checks in education

Greek EU Presidency's education priorities


OECD LEED - Cedefop Green skills forum 2014

[image] 14/02/2014 to 14/02/2014 [image] Paris, France

Skills and Employability: labour market opportunities for youth

[image] 21/02/2014 to 21/02/2014 [image] Thessaloniki, Greece

Employer survey on skill needs in Europe: Survey instrument and sampling design

[image] 24/02/2014 to 25/02/2014 [image] Cedefop, Greece

Published by Cedefop
Editorial responsibility: Area Communication, Information and Dissemination
News from Cedefop: Press Service
Agenda and European policy: Library and Documentation
Working with us: Human Resources and Procurement
Technical support: ICT and Web management services

Copyright (c) European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2013
All rights reserved

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