viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

Fwd: Orangutanes en peligro

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Ricken Patel -" <>
Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2014 06:22:46 -0500
Subject: Orangutanes en peligro
To: "" <>

Dear friends,

The world's orangutans are hanging on by a thread, with scientists
warning we don't have much time left before they're extinct. Now
there's a brilliant plan that could save them, if we all chip in what
we can.

There's a crucial corridor connecting two essential orangutan habitats
in the wetlands of Borneo that is on the brink of destruction. Saving
this land could be the difference between life and death for countless
orangutans, who need continuous swaths of forest and trees to survive.
Conservation NGOs and local groups have fearlessly announced they will
buy the land and protect it for good, but to do it they need enough
money to beat out profit-hungry companies looking to move in and
destroy it.

This is exactly the kind of moment the Avaaz community was made for --
our unique, people-powered funding model could allow us to finance the
crucial sanctuary quickly, and create a fund to defend other key
pieces of land around the world.

Click to pledge what you can, we'll process your donation only if we
raise enough to buy the land:

Orangutans are some of our most intelligent, thoughtful relatives --
their name means "person of the forest" in Malay. They spend 90% of
their time roaming and climbing trees (the males can stretch their
arms up to 7 feet!) -- even sleeping high up in nests of leafy
branches, and they use big leaves as umbrellas when it rains. So, as
demand for palm oil skyrockets and companies rush to clear more and
more land, their homes are literally falling like dominoes.

Allowing the world's orangutans to die out would mean not only losing
one of the planet's most majestic creatures forever, but would also
change the entire ecology of the rainforests they inhabit. As they
roam the forest eating fruit, orangutans scatter the seeds far and
wide, helping the entire forest stay healthy and robust.

In Borneo, where 80% of the orangutans' habitat has already been
destroyed, even a small area of land can make a massive difference as
it can link together protected forests that have survived. That's why
this plan to save the orangutans is so powerful -- by connecting a
forest reserve with a wildlife sanctuary, we can get the most from
every cent raised.

Click to pledge -- if we raise enough money we can give the local
groups the money they need to buy the land -- and create a
rapid-response fund we can use at a moment's notice to protect
wildlife populations from critical threats:

Time and time again the Avaaz community has come together to protect
forests and critically endangered species, from the Amazon in Ecuador
and Brazil, to elephants, rhinos and lions threatened by poaching.
Last year, nearly 1.5 million of us came together to call on the
Indonesian government to protect its precious orangutan population.
Now, we have a chance to make a massive difference in Malaysia, before
even one more precious orangutan dies.

With hope and determination,

Ricken, Mia, Emma, Allison, Christoph, Diego, Mais, Wen-Hua, Oli and
the whole Avaaz team


Why is the Orangutan in Danger? (Orangutan Foundation International)

Bornean orangutan (WWF)

Endangered Animals Fight for Their Lives in Borneo's Forests (New
Indian Express)
Avaaz es una red global de campañas de 33 millones de personas, que
trabaja para conseguir que las opiniones y valores de la gente en todo
el mundo modelen los procesos de toma de decisión. "Avaaz" significa
"voz" o "canción" en muchos idiomas. Los miembros de Avaaz son de
todas las naciones del mundo; nuestro equipo está ubicado en 18 países
a lo largo de 6 continentes y opera en 17 idiomas.Lee más sobre las
campañas de Avaaz aquí:"> y síguenos en Faceboo
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