miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Fwd: Cedefop Newsletter no. 41 - April 2014

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Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 14:52:27 +0300
Subject: Cedefop Newsletter no. 41 - April 2014
To: guillofca@yahoo.com.ar

[image: Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training]
[image: Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training]

Cedefop Newsletter no. 41 - April 2014
ISSN 1831-5259
PDF version | Full view | Permalink

Main story

[image: Cedefop conference to steer countries towards new
apprenticeship partnerships]
Cedefop conference to steer countries towards new apprenticeship partnerships

As part of the European youth guarantee, Erasmus+, the European
Union's programme for education, training and lifelong learning, has
earmarked financial support for apprenticeship schemes, including the
formation of apprenticeship alliances involving countries or social
partner organisations. The conference hopes to help potential partners
find each other.

News from Cedefop

[image: Making EU Skills Panorama focal point for information on
skills and labour market in Europe]
Making EU Skills Panorama focal point for information on skills and
labour market in Europe
Work has started to transform the EU Skills Panorama website to
provide a more comprehensive and user-friendly central access point
for information and intelligence on skill needs in occupations and
sectors across Europe.

[image: European policies: catalysts for innovation and youth employment]
European policies: catalysts for innovation and youth employment
In vocational training, but also for general economic growth needed
for employment, European policies are catalysts for innovation,
according to Cedefop Director James Calleja.

[image: Qualifications: a key area of work for Cedefop]
Qualifications: a key area of work for Cedefop
'Through systematic research over many years, Cedefop has been
analysing how qualifications are awarded and used across Europe and
how they support the needs of individuals for lifelong learning,
recognition and employability,' the Centre's Deputy Director told a
European Training Foundation (ETF) conference on making better
qualifications, at the European Parliament in Brussels.

Cedefop's latest skill supply and demand forecast is now available
Employment in the EU is projected to grow by about 2% over the period
2013-2020 but the (EU's) target of 75% of people aged 20 to 64 being
in a job by 2020 looks beyond reach.

[image: Businesses as shareholders in the skills formation process]
Businesses as shareholders in the skills formation process
In his inaugural speech at a seminar organised by the Institute for
Social and Economic Policy Education (ISWA) in Berlin, Cedefop
Director James Calleja said that in today's economic climate,
'businesses should be considered shareholders in vocational training
and an integral part of the skills formation process.'

[image: Spanish VET needs to connect better to labour market, Cedefop
Director tells El País]
Spanish VET needs to connect better to labour market, Cedefop Director
tells El País
In an interview with the Spanish daily, published on 20 April, Cedefop
Director James Calleja said that vocational education and training
(VET) in Spain needs to be closer to labour market needs.

[image: Epale - the ePlatform for adult learning in Europe]
Epale - the ePlatform for adult learning in Europe
Epale is a multilingual open membership community funded by the
European Commission, as the latest development in an ongoing
commitment to improving the quality of adult learning in Europe.

[image: New publication: Qualifications at level 5: progressing in a
career or to higher education]
New publication: Qualifications at level 5: progressing in a career or
to higher education
This study of EQF level 5 qualifications on the basis of learning
outcomes reveals much greater complexity, diversity and dynamism than
previously assumed.

[image: New publication: Spotlight on VET Luxembourg]
New publication: Spotlight on VET Luxembourg
The most distinctive feature of Luxembourg's vocational education and
training (VET) system is that it is comparable to the German dual

[image: New publication: Spotlight on VET Malta]
New publication: Spotlight on VET Malta
Over the past years, Malta has been investing in vocational education
and training (VET) and has encouraged students to continue their
education beyond school-leaving age.

[image: New publication: Spotlight on VET Romania]
New publication: Spotlight on VET Romania
In Romania, vocational and technological upper secondary education is
based on qualifications included in the national register of

Working with us

ReferNet call for proposals Greece-Romania
[image] Deadline:16/05/2014

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News from the Member States


Items submitted by ReferNet, Cedefop's European network for VET

EU Policy

Public consultation on a European area of skills and qualifications

Recognition of professional qualifications

Greener Skills and Jobs
Cedefop-OECD LEED publication

Skills needs in greening economies

Digital opportunities for education in the EU


Apprenticeship conference to steer countries towards new partnerships

[image] 07/05/2014 to 08/05/2014 [image] Thessaloniki, Greece

Cedefop expert workshop - The role of credit transfer systems in
opening access, admission and exemption between vocational education
and training (VET) and higher education (HE)

[image] 22/05/2014 to 23/05/2014 [image] Thessaloniki, Greece

The role of VET in reducing early leaving from education and training

[image] 03/06/2014 to 04/06/2014 [image] Thessaloniki, Greece

Designing, implementing and supporting effective work-based learning

[image] 21/10/2014 to 22/10/2014 [image] Thessaloniki, Greece

Published by Cedefop
Editorial responsibility: Area Communication, Information and Dissemination
News from Cedefop: Press Service
Agenda and European policy: Library and Documentation
Working with us: Human Resources and Procurement
Technical support: ICT and Web management services

Copyright © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2014
All rights reserved

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