
miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Rv: TVET 2020 Update

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----- Mensaje reenviado -----
De: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <>
Para: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <>
Enviado: miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012 4:50
Asunto: TVET 2020 Update

From: Chris Chinien []
Sent: 2012-01-10 19:06
Subject: TVET 2020 Update

Dear Colleagues,

Our UNEVOC Network has proved once more that its is an incredibly valuable
international instrument to TVET development. Several experts from our
network have responded to the call and have contributed to the
identification of mega trend that are likely to have an impact on TVET in
the next 10 years. I am pleased to share with you the mega trends
identified so far. Pleased note this is a copy and paste list that has not
been classified by categories.

• Social and political lib and revolutions
• Control over the international finance sector
• Disintegration of multi-national enterprises
• New scientific developments for new products
• Comeback of unions and related power structures for employed and
unemployed people
• The global financial meltdown.
• Industrial development in emerging economies, china, India, Brazil
• Decline of western economies and industries
• The continued recession in the UK, Europe and most of the rest of the
• The continued reluctance for employers to commit to long term training

• The predominance amongst parents and politicians that university is
the best option for young people
• The continued speeding up of changes throughout the educational system

• The continued rise in global unemployment
• Integration of academic and vocational education
• Integration of TVET with information and communication technology
• Integration of TVET with industry demands for highly skilled human
• Integration of TVET with labour market information system
• Integration of TVET with demands for sustainable development and green
jobs n different economy sectors
• Multiple speed economies where skill shortages are industry specific
with major local and regional variations
• Insufficient skill base to use new technologies, particularly in
developing sustainable economies
• Rapid shifts in capital investment as low cost labour is sought in
developing countries
• Training costs are shifted on to the individual rather than the state
or the employer
• Greater inequalities in wealth cause further social upheaval - from
'occupy' to 'overturn'
• Demographics: aging population, longer life spans
• Technological change: affecting the way we work, what work is
available, and where
• Migration: flow of educated people from "less developed" to
"developed" world - brain drain.
• Emerging economies: brazil, Vietnam (for example) changing where in
the world work and knowledge is.
• Catastrophes: political and environmental - shifting both supply and
• Ageing population and negative population growth rates in developed
• Automation and technology - reducing life span;
• Migration and disappearing differences between villages and cities;
increased women participation
• Melting boundaries between countries
• Increased natural disasters and focus on green jobs
• Growth of ict and media/web technology changes the way of production,
work organization and services
• Flexible work organization through global production of goods and
global trade
• Changing of learning situations and environment, suitable on-demand
learn work assignments oriented on work- and business processes
• Unification of education standards and levels to gain a better
comparability of education and work systems
• Permeability of education systems to reach higher level of education
through tvet and vice versa
• Modern learning technologies
• High youth unemployment rate
• Unrest of youth in Arabic world
• USA financial bankruptcy
• High immigration pressures

I am going to leave the online tool accessible for a few more days to
allow others to contribute. Please use this link to access the online tool
for providing your input:

I do not take ownership of this project. I see this as a project of the
UNEVOC Network. I will be delighted to hear from colleagues who might be
interested to assist me in facilitating the development of VISION 2020:

May I remind you that this is only stage 1 of the process.


Chris Chinien, Ph.D.
Managing Director
Workforce Development Consulting
Montreal, Canada

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