News from Cedefop |
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Cedefop's new publication provides a statistical overview of vocational education and training and lifelong learning in European countries. Data are based on international statistics enabling comparisons of countries and statistical averages for the European Union. This report, a first result of a continuing process, adds user-friendly evidence for many purposes. It should help policy-makers and researchers and ease access to the information available. |
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In this edition of the Skillsnet newsletter, you can find: the 2013 skills forecast, information on the EU skills panorama website, a European employer survey on skill needs, news from Skillsnet members and more. |
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Cedefop has long tracked the changing roles and professional development of teachers and trainers in vocational education and training. In this publication, it analyses 19 Member State initiatives which aim to set out competence requirements for trainers in adult learning and continuing training. The analysis, which also covers validation of non-formal and informal learning, forms the basis of a proposed emerging competence profile for trainers. |
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Cedefop's fourth annual report on developments in National Qualification Frameworks (NQFs) in Europe confirms that these frameworks are considered a key way of making qualifications easier to understand and compare within and between countries. It has also found that such frameworks are increasingly used to encourage changes in education and training. |
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Cedefop's work in 2013 is aligned to objectives of the European Union's 'Europe 2020' strategy and the policy framework devised to achieve them. This includes the flagship initiatives ('Agenda for new skills and jobs', 'Youth on the move'), annual growth surveys, the 'Education and training 2020' framework, the Bruges communiqué with its objectives and deliverables for vocational education and training, the European Commission's employment and youth employment packages and the communication Rethinking education. |
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Demand for Cedefop's expertise and analytical capacity has increased further in the current economic climate. Despite additional tasks requested and necessary adaptation of several projects, implementation of the work programme progressed as planned in 2012. |
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Almost half of Member States have reached the Europe 2020 target of 40% of people aged 30-34 holding a higher education degree or equivalent qualification, according to the latest data. Since the target was announced in 2010, progress has been steady, rising by around one percentage point a year. If current trends continue, the European Union should meet its target by the end of the decade. |
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Working with us |
AO/ECVL/IPS-ARANI/EarlyLeaving/005/13 |
Deadline:04/06/2013 |
AO/ECVL/JB–SPEV/LearningOutcomes/004/13 |
Deadline:28/05/2013 |
News from the Member States  Items submitted by ReferNet, Cedefop's European network for VET Stay connected to Cedefop via Social Media |
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