News from Cedefop |
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Common research and policy issues as well as the renewal of the memorandum of understanding between the two organisations were at the heart of the President of the Korean Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) Young-bum Park's visit to Cedefop on 9 July. Both organisations do research in very similar fields and many of their researchers have exchanged visits over the years. Cedefop Acting Director Christian Lettmayr and Head of Area RPA Pascaline Descy discussed future cooperation with Mr Park. |
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The second edition of the Cedefop conference newspaper, with readers' comments, is out. The 12-13 June conference on work-based learning attracted more than 150 experts on vocational education and training from around the world, policy-makers from the European Commission and Member States as well as social partners. |
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On 4 and 5 July 2013, Cedefop in cooperation with the European Training Foundation (ETF) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) organised in Thessaloniki (Greece), an expert seminar on Skills anticipation guides. The purpose of this seminar was to discuss the drafts of four guides prepared so far (on forecasting and foresight, on sectoral anticipation, on intermediary agencies and on matching/LMIs) with experts in the field and potential users. The objective was to ensure their validity and usefulness for the target audiences. |
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Cedefop's study Skills for a low-carbon Europe explores scenarios for achieving a sustainable and energy-efficient economy at the same time as employment growth. |
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Most countries see the European credit system for vocational education and training (ECVET) as an instrument to enable cross-border mobility of vocational students. Hundreds of transnational pilot projects are in place, largely funded by the EU. However, Cedefop's report concludes that for ECVET to go a step further and contribute to recognition of learning outcomes and allow accumulation of credits towards qualifications, it needs to be firmly and fully integrated into national lifelong learning policies and aligned with evolving validation practices. The briefing note is available in nine languages (Spanish, German, Greek, English, French, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish and Portuguese) and in two formats: Pdf or eBook optimised for tablets and smartphones. |
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This report aims to improve our understanding of labour market outcomes for vocational education graduates. A real need if we are to respond effectively to the current challenges of high unemployment. |
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On 1 July 2013 Croatia became the European Union's 28th Member State. To mark the occasion Cedefop has prepared a statistical overview on vocational education and training (VET) and lifelong learning in Croatia. Selected for their policy relevance and importance to achieving the Europe 2020 strategy's objectives, the indicators quantify key aspects of VET and lifelong learning and relate Croatia's performance to the EU average. |
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Working with us |
AO/RPA/KPOUL-GRUSSO/Mobility and Skill Mismatch/011/13 |
Deadline:10/09/2013 |
AO/RPA/PLI-ABARA/Apprenticeship/012/13 |
Deadline:09/09/2013 |
AO/ECVL/GKO-ARANI/QA&certification/008/13 |
Deadline:30/08/2013 |
GP/RPA/ReferNet-FPA/002/13 |
Deadline:24/09/2013 |
Cedefop/2013/01/AD |
Deadline:18/09/2013 |
Stay connected to Cedefop via Social Media News from the Member States  Items submitted by ReferNet, Cedefop's European network for VET |
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