
martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Fwd: [gene_camara] Rv: [L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work - October 2011

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De: Guillermo Fernando Cámara <>
Fecha: 4 de octubre de 2011 10:19
Asunto: [gene_camara] Rv: [L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work - October 2011
Para: Nuestro Grupo <>


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De: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <>
Para: UNESCO-UNEVOC e-Forum <>
Enviado: martes, 4 de octubre de 2011 5:02
Asunto: [L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work - October 2011

From: Sabine Manning []
Sent: 2011-10-03 12:01
Subject: [L&W] Latest news on European research in learning and work - October 2011

Newsletter for European Research in Learning and Work [L&W]
Edition: October 2011 []
Read Newsletter online:

Dear Colleagues

This is the latest edition of the L&W Newsletter, which will reach you via
a mailing list of over 1200 experts in and beyond Europe. As usual, it
focuses on transnational research activities in the field of human resource
development (HRD) and vocational education and training (VET), centred on
major categories: conferences, networks, programmes, projects and
publications. Many thanks to all who contributed information for this
edition of the Newsletter!

Particularly worth noting in this edition: the variety of activities and
events promoted by European research networks, including ESREA networks,
the VET and Culture network and VETNET (see Conferences/Networks and
Publications), and also by EU project partnerships (see Projects). And not
to overlook: Updates are welcome for the Directory of Masters Programmes
and the Overview of European research projects (see Programmes and
Projects), both maintained as part of the WIFO Gateway.

The next edition of the Newsletter will appear in early December 2011. You
are invited to submit short pieces of news (text of 100 to 200 words,
without attachments, but including links to web resources) - please by 30
November 2011 at the latest!

With best wishes
Sabine Manning
Research Forum WIFO
Editor of the L&W Newsletter

EGOS 2012 – Helsinki, Finland
Subtheme "Self-reinforcing Processes in Organizations, Netzworks and

'Self-reinforcement dynamics' are defined as a process of positive
feedback in which the increase of a particular variable leads to a further
increase of this very variable. Examples of such intended and unintended
processes, which bring about an action pattern which eventually gets deeply
embedded in (inter-) organizational or professional practice, are
self-justification, increasing returns, positive and negative network
externalities, and adjusting expectations. The sub-theme particularly
invites contributions that focus on one or more specific issues (see web
page below), including for instance "Organizational learning and
self-reinforcing dynamics". The sub-theme intends to foster an exchange of
theoretical ideas and empirical research results across various substantive
issues and theoretical traditions that are important for better
understanding self-reinforcing dynamics. The due date for your initial
paper proposals is January 16, 2012. If accepted, the due date for your
full paper is May 31, 2012.  You can find more info about EGOS 2012 and our
sub-theme at:
Should you have questions or require additional information, please
contact Prof. Dr. Jörg Sydow 
(Received from: Monica Lee
m.lee@LANCASTER.AC.UK via the Forum for HRD
mailing list)

Re-launch conference of the ESREA Network on Working Life and Learning

In order to restart the ESREA network on Working Life and Learning we
invite you to a seminar at Linköping University, Sweden, 21-22 November
2011, to discuss emerging issues within the field. The seminar will give
priority to in-depth discussion in continuous groups/workshops formed to
include participants from different parts of Europe. Participants are
invited to present papers in relation to one of the following themes:  1)
Workplace learning, 2) Leadership for learning and development in
organizations, 3) Human Resource Development, 4) Vocational education and
training (VET) and 5) Stakeholders and target groups in working life and
learning. For further details see website and invitation at:

Please note: October 3rd 2011 - deadline for expression of interest (send
e-mail to Andreas Wallo and for sending abstract
(e-mail to Andreas Wallo
(Information from: ESREA Newsletter No 4 -September- 2011)

Joint network meeting on the future of adult educators in Tallinn -
registration still open

The network meeting on "The Futures of Adult Educator(s): Agency, Identity
and Ethos", jointly organised by ESREA-ReNAdET (professionalisation of
adult educators network) and the VET and Culture network, will take place
in Tallinn 9-11 November 2011 (see August edition of the L&W Newsletter).
Registration to the joint network meeting is open until 28 October. Full
details of the programme, including the registration form, are available
(Received from: Georgios K. Zarifis via the ReNAdET
mailing list)

VETNET programme at ECER 2011 Berlin

Over 2000 researchers took part in the European Conference on Educational
Research (ECER) from 12th to 16th of September at the Freie Universität
Berlin. The programme of VETNET, one of the largest European research
networks in vocational education and training, covered over a hundred
presentations. The opening colloquium was designed to facilitate discussion
among the participants. After four statements by Fernando Marhuenda
(Valencia), Vibe Aarkrog (Arhuis), Vidmantas Tutlys (Kaunas) and Georg
Spöttl (Bremen), seven groups discussed possible future scenarios for VET.
Excellent ideas and critical points for the research community were
discussed and can be incorporated into a coming report. One of the main
strands of VETNET presentations concentrated on the governance of VET
cultures. Another rich presentation strand focused on regional VET
collaborations at different learning venues. Some presentations looked at
the effect of work based learning for apprenticeship students. A few
presentations were found under topics like digital media and the discussion
on European Frameworks. All in all, this year's presentations were of high
quality and triggered vital discussions. The Conference proceedings will be
finalised by the end of October and presented as before under: More infos on further VETNET
developments under:

Executive Committee of VETNET: Ludger Deitmer (Outgoing Convenor, ITB),
Michael Gessler (University of Bremen, current VETNET Convenor) and Marg
Malloch (East London University, Deputy Convenor)
(Received from: Ludger Deitmer

Conference "Research for VET practice and policy" in Turin

The 18th annual conference "Research for VET practice and policy" of the
VET and Culture research network and the European Training Foundation took
place in Turin, 31.8.-3.9.2011, focusing on the roles of policy-led
agencies like the ETF and of academic institutions like university
departments and research communities like the VET and Culture network in
this process. The agenda and abstracts are now available at the conference
Papers and PPT presentations will be added soon.
(Received from: Anja Heikkinen via the Newsletter of
the VET and Culture network)

NOTE: Forthcoming and recent events related to European research in work
and learning are listed on the WIFO Conference page
[].  Further information on research networks
in the field of European work and learning can be obtained from the WIFO
page Networks at a glance [].


Doctoral Program on Developmental Work Research and Adult Education

This is an interdisciplinary four-year doctoral program based on
cultural-historical activity theory and developmental work research
methodology. Located in the Institute of Behavioural Sciences at the
University of Helsinki, Finland, the program has functioned since 1995 and
we have produced 31 PhDs in this period. The application period for our
program will end on the 7th of October. Please check the web pages of the
Finnish Doctoral Programme in Education and Learning (FiDPEL) for the
details of the application procedure: Within the FiDPEL pages, you
will also find the pages devoted to our own sub-program: Our doctoral
program is free of charge. A limited number of fully funded four-year
positions are available. In addition, we regularly admit a significant
number of doctoral students who obtain funding from various other sources,
e.g., in the form of grants, research assistantships, or partial salary
from their employers. An important Finnish source of this kind of funding
is CIMO ( Please also visit
the web pages of our Center for Research on Activity, Development and
Learning (CRADLE), which is responsible for the design and running of the
Doctoral Program:

Contact: Yrjö Engeström, Professor, Director of the CRADLE and DWRAE
(Posted by: Yrjö Engeström

Directory of Masters Programmes

Updates are invited for the new edition of the Directory of Masters
Programmes available as part of the WIFO Gateway
( The Directory, so far presenting 114 programmes
in 23 European countries, covers the interrelated field of learning and
work, particularly including the areas of human resource development (HRD)
and vocational education and training (VET). Please submit updates of your
programme or a new entry according to the following pattern:
1 - Institution (name and home page)
2 - Title of Masters programme (plus English translation if required)
3 - HRD/VET related component (major subject within broader programme)
4 - Academic Year (2011/12 or later)
5 - Information on programme (link to web page)
6 - Contact (name, function and email address of responsible person)

Please send your information by 10 October 2011 to the editor
(Contributed by: Sabine Manning)


PALADIN project: International conference

The PALADIN project aims to provide a significant contribution to discuss
how to increase the participation of the senior population in education and
training activities, how to empower them, as well as how to promote active
ageing in such important areas of daily life as health, activity,
education, citizenship and finances. An international conference of the
PALADIN Project on "Promoting conscious and active learning and ageing: How
to face current and future challenges?" will be held at Coimbra, Portugal,
20-21 October 2011. Target groups include professionals, researchers and
students of human and social sciences, adult education and training. For
more information on this event, registration and accommodation details and
scientific programme you can visit the conference website:
(Received from: Georgios K. Zarifis via the ReNAdET
mailing list)

EUROlocal Conference/Workshop

You are invited to join the EUROlocal team partners and associates at a
Conference/Workshop marking the culmination of this two-year project. This
Conference/Workshop will bring together academics and practitioners in
practical sessions to explore all aspects of Learning Cities and Regions.
At the same time it will give delegates the opportunity to describe their
own experience and knowledge on this most important topic. The event is to
be held at the Centre Loewenberg situated in the historical town of Murten
in Switzerland, 27-29 October 2011. Full programme details, together with
an application form and travel information, are published at:
(Information from: ESREA Newsletter No 4 -September- 2011)

Call for information: Overview of European research projects

Contributions are invited for updating the Overview of European research
projects [], provided as part of the WIFO

This overview brings together resources which are normally scattered
across websites of various EU programmes, institutions and networks. Of
particular interest are recent projects still in operation such as could
provide a stimulus for researchers to establish links in areas of joint
interest. The overview focuses on transnational research projects, mainly
supported by EU programmes, in the areas of human resource development,
vocational education, work and learning. Participants in these projects are
invited to send the following information to the editor (
(A) exact title and acronym (short name) of the project; (B) name and
email address of the coordinator or main contact; (C) address of the
website (or info page/ flyer) of the project.

You are welcome to use both this Overview and the L&W Newsletter to
disseminate current information on your European partnership project!
(Contributed by: Sabine Manning)


Research paper: Vocational education and training at higher qualification

Published by Cedefop in 2011, this research paper, covering 13 countries
and six sectors, examines the kind of higher qualifications that are
currently offered within vocational education, including their features,
governance patterns, and degree of academisation. The paper also discusses
wider issues such as the parity of esteem between vocational and academic
education, and the forms and degree of labour market involvement.
Publication details and download at:
(Information from: Cedefop Newsletter no. 15 - September 2011)

Strengthening the learning outcomes orientation in higher education

Background context, examples and recommendations in view of internal and
external quality assurance. 

Karin Luomi-Messerer & Genoveva Brandstetter (2011) Vienna: facultas.wuv
The use of learning outcomes (LO) in higher education has gained
considerably in importance in recent years. This development is widely
expected to have positive effects on the quality of study programmes. The
book highlights the challenges and opportunities for using the learning
outcomes approach in higher education, focussing on internal and external
processes of quality assurance. The book is divided into two parts. Part 1
outlines recent European and national developments and discusses central
concepts and definitions. Part 2 includes recommendations and examples on
how to use learning outcomes in internal and external quality assurance and
on how to promote the use of learning outcomes in higher education.

This publication is only available in German: "Stärkung der
Lernergebnisorientierung im Hochschulbereich. Hintergründe, Beispiele und
Empfehlungen im Kontext interner und externer Qualitätssicherung". Link:
(Posted by: Karin Luomi-Messerer

National pathways and European dimensions of trainers' professional
Edited by Simone R. Kirpal

The publication details of this book, which was already announced in the
August edition of the L&W Newsletter, are now available at: (info page).

This book comprises contributions that address the professional
development of training practitioners both in a national as well as
European perspective. It can be considered as being complementary to a
number of European studies and research and development projects carried
out during recent years to specifically address the situation of teachers
and trainers in vocational education and training. The motivation has been
to foster the exchange of national examples of good practice of the
professional development of trainers and to relate these national
approaches to the broader European perspective. Finally, emerging trends in
the area of teaching and training that will challenge trainers' roles in
the future present a key topic that is being addressed from various
(Posted by: Simone Kirpal

ECER VETNET Proceedings: Interim review

The collected Proceedings of the VETNET programme at ECER (European
Conference on Educational Research) now include more than 400 papers from
14 years. This is a valuable resource of shared knowledge about vocational
education in Europe (available at: But how
'European' are the Proceedings papers? This question was raised in an
interim review, prepared for this year's VETNET Assembly, focusing on three
aspects: contents, authorship and the countries involved. Selected outcomes
include: A third of all papers are European, in that they examine European
or EU issues or compare European countries. Not more than 6% of all papers
were produced by transnational (i.e. 'European') teams. Most papers are
related to countries from Western and Northern Europe. Above all, the focal
role of the UK and Germany in transnational studies is evident. Much less
frequently represented are Central and Eastern European countries.
Altogether, a lot still needs to be achieved before we can regard the
Proceedings as a truly European resource! Full review see
(Contributed by: Sabine Manning)

CIEO Discussion Papers

The CIEO Discussion Papers are published by the Research Centre for
Spatial and Organizational Dynamics (CIEO) of the University of Algarve.
The publication is open to the scientific community and periodically
emphasizes different subjects, mostly related to sociological or
environmental issues. In particular, our Edition Nº 5 - Sociological and
Educational Studies - tackles questions related to education, human
resource development as well as the relation between work and learning.
Please note that all the articles are freely available at The latest edition of the Discussion Papers (Nº
6), focusing on Economics and Public Policies, can be downloaded from our
(Received from: Julieta Rosa

NOTE: Books with a focus on cross-European issues of work and learning are
presented on the WIFO Bookshelf []. In addition, the
WIFO Gateway provides a classified collection of European and international
Journals related to education research [].

Editor of the L&W Newsletter: Dr Sabine Manning, Research Forum WIFO
Address: Neue Blumenstr. 1, D-10179 Berlin, Germany;
Editions of the L&W Newsletter: six times a year, every two months (at the
beginning of February, April, June, August, October, December);
Deadline for contributions to the L&W Newsletter: end of January, March,
May, July, September, November;
Circulation of the current L&W Newsletter: about 1200 experts in 40
countries (mostly Europe);
Details and Archive of the L&W Newsletter [].

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